Stop this occupation and build a life with you

Getting inside the house, Ethan couldn't find Diana in her room and wondered what's going on.

He headed towards the living room to search for Sarah and couldn't find her as well.

He assumed that Sarah must be in the kitchen, but getting there, he heard the sounds of laughing.

He calm his racing heart as he recognized Diana's voice as the one with the loudest laughter.

His heart warmed that she's laughing again. His hardworking, giving her different assumption to make her know she didn't do anything wrong and hasn't killed the wrong person paid off.

He assured her that her teacher also knew this, which is why she didn't bring it up. She hasn't been herself since then, but she's finally laughing now.

He got to the entrance of the kitchen and saw her putting on a plain white apron that has been stained with sauce and other stuff he couldn't recognize as there were different colour stain on the surface.