I want more of you (R18)

(Read with caution)

Ethan couldn't believe his ears. He wondered if he's dreaming right now. His hand cupped her face, feeling the soft texture of it with his thumbs, but couldn't compliment on that now.

"You're really considering being with me? Leaving that work?" he asked again, his gaze bore into hers, with seriousness in them. 

Diana nodded her head and turned around with her back facing him, "but I still needed to bid farewell to my friends." she said and gasped as she was turned around in a flash.

Her lips were captured before she could relax her leaping heart. Ethan's lips were savage as they explored hers fiercely.

His hold on her was a trembling one, as if he got the most shocking news of his life. He gobbled on her lips, not leaving her a chance to breathe, while his hands find their way into her top and went around her waist.