Austin please, she's all they got

Austin's heart beat hard against his chest, as Jenny's lips crashed against his. 

"Are we really doing this?" Aroma asked, as she settled beside the two of them.

Pulling back, Jenny's hand reach for Austin's shirt, while she looked at Aroma, who was looking at Austin.

"Action first, talk later." Jenny said to Aroma, while already unbuttoning Austin's shirt.

Aroma let out a trembling chuckles, as her body kept shivering. "You look scared Austin." she said, mocking his expression.

He looks like he was about to be violated, his ears turning redder, while he kept blinking non stop.

He just kissed for the first time after all, and he's about to have his first time with his best friends.

Aroma's mocking laughter made him gain confidence. His hand reached for Aroma's neck and crashed his lips on hers.

"That's the spirit!" Jenny exclaimed happily as Aroma, who was first shocked, later gave in and kissed him back.