What about you? Are you any different?

"Calm down." Aroma said, seeing how different he's acting, which is unlike him. She really felt so guilty.

She can't say she blame Diana, but didn't know how things turn out like this. Jenny might have pitied his feelings, because she's someone who hated being tied down.

She would prefer having fun with different guys, than stick to him. But, who knows. People change and she might really do love him, but Austin must be traumatized by this event.

He looked so broken, that it's very obvious, even when he's acting cool. But nevertheless, she would never agreed that he should kill Diana.

Austin looked up at her, moving closer, he held both sides of her face, "I should calm down? can you…" his lips crashed onto hers, but Aroma move her head away before she could start nipping, but instead of stopping, his lips traced down to her neck line.