A puppet to make Diana give him a good show

Immediately she got up on her feet, in a flash, her leg delivered a heavy kick to the dude that cuts her clothes groin.

Before the guy could recover from the shock and scream, she gave him an uppercut, sending his body swaying back, while his fellow gang quickly held him.

For some reason, Ethan felt contented. It's like Diana read his mind and knew what he wanted to do.

The guy cried out loud in pain, cursing her. Calling her all sort of names, as he held his groin and was on the floor.

The kick wasn't just a normal kick. Even if Ethan loss the fight, he won't be among the volunteer to sleep with her.

Like Aroma said, a single heavy blow is enough than 10 useless ones.

Seeing the guy in pain, the others that felt like they wanted to bully, finally calm their lust and think with their head, instead of desire.

They wanted to charge at her immediately she hit the guy, but Austin raised his hand to stop them.