A rib crushing punch

They got to the open field where the fight will take place and, without wasting time, the guys that aren't yet to be selected moved away from the place and stayed where they could have a vivid view.

Diana and the guy stepped out in the open and face each other. The odds might seem presussuring to some people, but they didn't miss the smirk lingering at the corner of her lips, as she cracked her knuckles like a man.

It still feels weird to charge at a fragile girl like her, so they all look at each. Diana was waiting for them to make a move, while the guys were contemplating on who will go first.

Austin rolled his eyes and moved his lips closer to the mic, while Ethan was all tensed up. He look miserable and this seems like the worst day of his life.

He couldn't believe this is happening. He's tied down uselessly, while watching two men about to fight his woman and awaiting his own turn like an idiot.