Please settle the score with my death

"What are you two doing?" she asked as she got closer to where they stood.

"Boss said you shouldn't leave this place till he's done making approval and other necessary needed for something you and him will be heading to take care of." one of them said calmly with a smile.

Even though they play and go around together when leaving for some important outing and many more, when it's an order, they forget the term 'friendship' and focus on their job  because that's what they are here for and trained to do.

Aroma felt her heart getting unsettled as she saw their determination. If Nathan arrives here, she won't be able to disobey him, so it's better to wiggle out of these two's clutch and apologize later, than wait till he comes.

The place was lit up by the usual street light, which they planted at the area, ever since the main camp began it's renovation.

The two guys moved aside in a swift movement and two needles punctured into the seat of the bike.