She died so fast, not fun at all

Listening to Ethan's pleads, Austin felt enraged and got on his feet and walked in front of him, hunched a little to make them stare directly into each other's eyes, "You haven't answered my question yet dude. Is she pregnant?" he asked again.

Ethan shook his head, while his eyes darted towards the two guys that are still moving towards Diana, while she held her stomach with one hand, while the other hand was used to support herself to crawling backwards.

Ethan quickly shook his head, "I don't know…. I'm not sure." he said.

Austin stood straight and smack his lips, "that means an unprotected sex that could lead to pregnancy occurred…. good!" Austin chuckled.

Ethan shook his head, fear evidence in his eyes at the evil smirk the guy had on his face. He knew he fucked up if she's really pregnant, because he caused it.

"If she's pregnant, that means there's hope that I would be getting my revenge on two precious things to that ant." Austin said.