I love my life

"What!" Ethan couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Oh my God! you're cute." he added after laughing to his fill. 

"Whatever! just don't think about using it." she said and returned her head back on his chest. 

Ethan reached his hand to her hair and stroked it gently, "baby, it's risky. What if you get pregnant?" Ethan tried to reason with her. 

Before Diana could reply, "I don't want you to get pregnant again." he added. 

"What!" Diana was shocked. 

"The struggle is too much and I don't want you to go through it ever again. We're blessed with two princesses, let's not make babies again." he said, his eyes looking serious.

Diana was touched by his consideration, but she plans to have many kids and give them all the love she didn't receive when growing up.