Are you okay?

The two never thought life could be so beautiful as it is for them right now. Watching their little princesses starting to walk on their two feet and already calling their names. 

The girls were already calling mama, papa, while Stella and Melanie were referred to as 'Nana' since they couldn't pronounce grandma.

As they slowly grow, they discovered their parents are not calling each other what they ask them to be calling them. 

Before they realized what was happening, Diana was being called 'dana or baby', according to what Ethan called her, while Ethan was called by his name, as the pronunciation isn't hard. 

Diana didn't know whether to laugh or cry, because not only did she become a baby, when the two were the baby, Stella and Melanie became 'mom'.

Diana facepalm each time this happened, because the twins were saying what they were hearing. Ethan called Melanie mom, while she called Stella mom as well.