I will show him around

Chris rolled his eyes at him, "You will never do that bro. I'm sure your wife took your virginity, if your first kiss hasn't been stolen by those girls pestering you in the past." he said with a smug smile, which made Ethan do the eyes rolling this time. 

"Anyway, I don't care who she slept with before I met her, as long as she didn't do it after we start going out, same as how I'm willing to put a stop to my sleeping around." he added. 

"So, you knew you're sleeping around." Ethan teased, but was glad with what he said. He could also tell that Chris really likes the girl. 

"Pfft! Asking the obvious. I own myself, why won't I know."

The two kept having their talks, while Chris finally asked the questions concerning the stuff that happened with their kidnapping and all.

They don't keep anything from each other, so he briefs him about the whole thing. He deserves to know after all he went through because of them.