What a good actress

Seeing him go into the doggy position and making a barking sound, while the twins tried to run away, while laughing happily, Rhianna found herself smiling too. 

Each time he caught up with one of them, he would tickle their armpit and kiss their face all over, making the girl laugh out loud and pull his hair. 

The other girl will join in, as if saving her sister from him, while he will feign defeat and play dead, till the two went a bit far, before he began resurrecting and making a low growl, "I'm coming for you!" he would scream and chase after them. 

Diana cleared her throat, which startled Rhianna. She patted her chest after turning around and seeing Diana. 

"You scared me." she said. 

"I only cleared my throat." Diana replied, watching as Ethan went to join in the fun.