The new assistant

"Hi." Hanna said after picking Chris's call. 

She constantly use her teeth to trim her fingernails, while her thighs slapped against each other. 

She's nervous.

It's been so long, that she even thought Chris might have forgotten her. He seems to be the type that doesn't like pressuring woman too much. 

And also, she stopped accepting Amanda's invitation to places that they will end up meeting each other. 

He stopped calling her, after realizing that she's ignoring him, but made sure to drop messages to ask how she's doing. 

"How have you been?" he asked. 

"Good, and you?" Hanna replied. 

"So, you're telling me that you've been good without talking to me?" he teased. 

"I've been sad, but I'm good now that I'm talking to you." she replied honestly, biting down on her lower lip. 

There was a silent at the other end, before Chris spoke, "Let's meet." he said. 

"Yes." she replied.