Meet my wife

"Thank you so much sir." Ashley said, taking on the role of her assistant immediately. 

Ethan didn't ask her not to call him sir, because giving such privilege will only lead to some sort of misunderstanding. He didn't have the time to explain 'she's this, she's that' to people, so it's better they maintain it this way. 

"It's fine. You're qualified for the job. I would have chosen you if I didn't know you before anyway." he explained, so that the feeling of getting privilege could be erased.

"I understand." Ashley said, seeming to see through the meaning behind his response. The man is being careful. 

He seem to really love his wife. 

That didn't stop them from talking about the past after they've settled on employment stuff. 

Ashley claimed she got hurt and her parents claimed that will be her last interaction with the war ground.