An accident

"See? I told you they will stop fighting." Ciara said to her sister as their parents left their room. 

It's been two days after Diana and Ethan came to an agreement and the love seems to have returned.

Only Ethan looked affected. Diana seems cool with the progress. As if she's happy that she will be leaving him. 

The kids were happy and had just returned from a date with their parents. 

The two sat down on their bed, with their legs crossed, as they opened the gift their parents gave them as a surprise.

It was a princess toy, that has hair that they could play with. Also the exact one from one of their favorite cartoons that made them cried for their iPad all the time.

The two scream out loud in joy. 

Ethan and Diana were still outside their room. 

Diana smiled happily, while Ethan stared at her with a saddened expression, but quickly smiled before she could catch him.