I'm not letting you trick me like the last time

"I'm so sorry miss…..ohh it's you." Wilson made a shocked expression and squinted his brow, as if he just recognized her face. 

Seeing that it's really him, Diana took a deep breath, her anger subsidising, while the other cars started maneuvering past them. 

Wilson walked closer to him and looked at her apologetically, "I'm so sorry Elizabeth. My younger sister was in the emergency unit. I just got a call and couldn't think straight." he said to her, calling her Elizabeth, even though he had later learned that her name is Diana. 

"You should have been more careful. We nearly had an accident. What if you haven't slowed down at the last minute and I didn't reverse back." Diana said. She didn't fail to realize that even though he nearly hit her, he seems to have it under control at the last minute and might have succeeded in evading the collision of their cars, on his own. 

But still, it's enough to give someone a heart attack or shock that will traumatize.