Prologue - I got a new job!

"Soo... you've just been given a boss position in a new organisation"

"Yup, that's right!"

"And you're still a Rank 1 immortal that's less than 200 years old riiiight?"

"Uh, huh?"

"Welp, guess that's a Moonbringer for ya! Good luck at your new job!" with that statement, Liana stopped gazing at her friend inquisitively and started smiling instead. Her friend Luna was quite exceptional in her own right even though they were both rank 1: She was a good cook, she could play 3 instruments, heck, she might even be able to knit a sweater in a few decades! That's why she stopped worrying when she heard her new friend was suddenly hired as a boss for a new planetary monitoring association.

"Thanks!", Luna beamed at her. Diana Lunaferra Andromeda Moonbringer (Yes, those are all her real names) was super excited that she finally managed to get a job after all this time searching, and a good one too! Okay it wasn't so long, only like 10 years or so but that's what made it even better! Being a Moonbringer sure did have it's perks.

The funny thing about all this though is that she didn't even need a job. Being a citizen of an immortal realm with less than 10 million people meant that things such as housing and clothes were provided free of charge. Food was instantly grown by one of several Immortal Nature Masters which meant that there was always a bounty of nutritious and healthy food to eat and enjoy. Besides, Luna was a Moonbringer living on the Silver Moon, the most comfortable and luxurious of the Stellar Realm satellite planets! (Well, moons really)

The real reason was simple...


That might sound impossible if a human was hearing it, because what most dreamed of was transcending and becoming one. But for Luna who was a second generation born-immortal, immortal life wasn't all that it cracked up to be.

For one, most humans think that being immortal is awesome because you get unlimited time to do whatever you want. But what most people fail to realize is this: more time to do something just means more time to procrastinate! If it takes a normal human a week to finally get around to completing something that should take a day, what do you think immortals would do? The most motivated born-immortals would take a decade just to do their laundry! School wasn't even compulsory once you learned how to read and write well and even then the record for finishing middle school in the quickest time was 82 YEARS. Infinite time just means infinite ways to be lazy.

In fact, Luna was considered extremely motivated for completing school and looking for a job at the sweet tender age of 160 years. She'd graduated top of her class in historical studies and she was now looking for a challenge. But at her age it had been almost impossible to get a job. her power ranking of 1 could be considered quite satisfactory for her young age, but in the immortal realm it was bottom of the barrel. Even amongst humans there was a possibility of someone almost being as strong as her.

She had tried asking her Dad to join his party on the main Stellar Planet, but it was "too dangerous" for a little flower like her. Only Rank 2s who had 200 years experience in combat situations were allowed to destroy empires, so unfair!

Aunty was even worse... She had asked to become a Patron Protector of a Church, but she had said No! In fact, she'd told her that if she was a good girl maybe in a thousand years or so would she be considered for a position there. Only Grandad who was born a human and transcended could understand her restlessness but he was off being amazing as usual and wouldn't return for a few centuries. Oh the agony.....

That's why it was a good thing that "Big Sis" had started an organization to monitor planet SR70 whatever and had given her a job as a "boss" there (whatever that meant). The working hours were great, there was a "opportunities to travel" (whatever that meant) and best of all... it wasn't staying at home and reading boring books! She had had it with her families biography's of how "Peerless so and so defeated a Golden Dragon and sealed it inside the planet's core" and how "King so and so used the famed sword of blah blah blah to unite the Kingdom of who cares". From today onwards, she would also have stories to tell about work. The thought made her smile. She decided to head straight over to her offices and get to work that very instant!

As she approached the building she was going to be working at, she saw Big Sis leaning against the building door. Her straight blond hair covered half of her face, making it hard to see her eyes. As Luna arrived at the door, her lips curved into a smile and said: "Here already? But of course i was expecting that."

"Hey, Big Sis. Why are you waiting at the door?"

"Because i have a special assignment for you. I need you on the ground at planet Terra, so turn into a human and get down there as soon as possible!"
