A friendly introduction

In the middle of a full moon night, inside a dense forest - a scene was unfolding. A teenage boy, ruffled brown hair with jade colored eyes was sprinting through the trees with shadowy figures in pursuit. A rusted sword was hanging at the side of his belt, whilst if his clothes could be described in one word it was this: Sad. Threadbare pants and a dirty shirt combo made coupled with the sword made you think just one thing - This kid was broke! Why would anyone be chasing such a poor looking specimen anyways?

After a few more minutes of running, the boy stumbled on a root embedded in the earth and tumbled to the ground. In a split second, the shadows in pursuit suddenly appeared in front of him. 3 burly men, with axes and what could only be described as barbaric armor were now grinning maniacally, baring their fangs towards the boy. With a glance, one couldn't tell whether they were another humanoid species or just really really ugly. Unfortunately for them ,it was the second option. They all had faces only a mother could love...after she put on a blindfold.

"Hey kid, i bet you were just thinking about how scary we look right? Well sucks for you because when we're done with ya, you're going to look just like us!" One of the axe-men sneered. Did i mention that their breath stank as well?

"Please, whatever you monsters are, don't eat me! I didn't want to disturb you so please just let me go!" The boy tried to reason with the men but they didn't seem fazed by his pleas at all.

"Do you know who we are? We're the infamous beast body cultivators, and that little chase was just a warmup sprint for us"

Stunned, the boy tried to fathom what he had just heard. Beast body? Wasn't that a forbidden technique that amplified the strength of a person's body several-fold? The major reason why it was forbidden of course was that for you to transform and maintain a beast body, you would need 2 key things. One was the body of a magical beast (duh!) whilst the other was a fresh, low fat, additives free human heart other than your own (talk about being picky). That would be bad enough on it's own, but the scary part was this: Even if your potential and base strength was low before the ritual, as soon as someone had managed to successfully complete the ritual their overall power ranking would be at a stable power RANK 5.

The boy quickly recovered and started laughing at himself. Even if these guys were uglier than they already were, they couldn't possibly be rank 5. Sensing the disbelieving boy, One of the men took his axe and swung in the air directing his focus to the trees behind the boy. BOOOOM! All the trees within a 10 meter range of the swing immediately shattered into splinters and the man began to look at the boy again.


"I'm so screwed, I can't believe my story ends here after all i've been through to get this far. If only i had plot armor..." with that, a flash of beautiful silver light shot down from the sky to the now clear patch of ground.

A beautiful maiden suddenly appeared midair, shining with an angelic aura. Shining white hair beamed with mystical blue eyes with an incomparable depth looking at the burly men before her. Her clothes were white, glistening and bright like the light of the moon itself. In her hand was a platinum staff with a crescent moon jewel adorning the top and her face was plastered a slight smirk

"Hello mortals, my name isn't something you diminutive lice must fare with" (What the Beast Cultivators heard)

"Hi, My name is Diana Lunaferra" (What she actually said)

"Is it a S-Saint ll-level Magician?" One of the men stuttered. In fact, his legs had already started shaking uncontrollably even though he tried to strengthen himself.

"Seems my power is too great for you insignificant ants...Beware, i can't control myself" (What the Beast Cultivators heard)

"Huh, seems my power is fluctuating wildly. I thought Big Sis said i could control the level myself" (What Luna actually said)

(•ิ_•ิ)? The boy sitting who was just watching all this unfold was now super confused.

Luna started to search for something across whatever pockets she had. That's when the Men noticed something else that was extraordinary. To the side of the "Saint Level Magician" was a beaming silver and black sword with an almost divine energy!

"B-Battle Saint? No wait....A DUAL SPECIALIZATION SAINT?!" This time all the men were visibly shaken to the core. All the color in their faces drained as they could no longer fathom the power the individual in front of them held! If she only had either specialization, as a Saint she could have done to them in one swing what they had done to the trees...but she had 2 specializations! What did that even mean? Who cared about that when they were second away from death?!

"Oh wait, i remember i was i supposed to keep a super low profile. But this stupid medallion i got isn't even wo....ACHOO!" With that, an incredible flash of moonlight occurred and a mighty gust of wind, stronger than even several gale force winds blasted everything within a 200 meter radius in front of her into oblivion! The screaming of men could be heard being echoing through the sky, as if they'd been shot through a cannon.

(⊙_⊙)...boy.exe has stopped working, please restart immediately

As she finished her sneeze, all the angelic aura seemed to dissipate immediately and she fell onto the ground. Even the brilliant white hair and holy clothing seemed to instantly dull into boring, gray hair and regular white clothes.

"achoo!" a tiny sneeze seemed to emanate from the tiny teenage girl with gray hair in front of the boy. "Seems like someone kicked up a lot of sawdust or something." she began to pout before looking at the boy in front of her.

"Hi, i don't think i introduced myself. My name is Diana Lunaferra Andro.....umm just call me Luna okay?"