WebNovelThe Arks61.34%

The Ark Of The Suicidal Forest

The trees weren't native to the area, and Z got very worried as he looked around. The terrain wasn't suitable for a fair fight now. The kid might trip if she isn't careful with her footing. A few rotting board signs partially engulfed in moss were scattered around the area's background.

Gillian noticed some synthetic ropes hanging from some of the branches. The smell of death was lingering in this otherwise lush forest. One thing was clear to the Aki. They were not in the Old Chapel's area anymore. But the more he scanned around, the more creepy this place felt.

He glanced at the others. The kids were cautious but not too scared. The Headmaster guessed that it was customary for them to be surrounded with the aspect of death.

"I've only been to this place once in my previous realm. It was for a small family trip to Japan. I never did make it very far into this place because of the signs and feelings. And flash forward a few hundred years later, I'm back here again. I love my luck," complained Z, sighing.

"Do you know this place?" asked Gillian, raising a questioning eyebrow to his old friend.

"Lamentably, yes. It's quite well-known on the other side of the world. It's located at the northwestern flank of Mount Fuji, Japan's tallest mountain. But that's not what this forest is known for. It's called 'Aokigahara,' which translates to 'Blue Tree Meadow and can be called 'Sea Of Trees'."

"But its best-known name would be the Suicidal Forest. That's why you're seeing ropes hanging everywhere. They are tied as nooses, while most took drugs or poison to end it all. Over a hundred people chose to end their lives here. And most speculate that the deceased are still here."

"And those signs are supposed to deter people away from both the forest and committing suicide. But when the human mind is determined, a little sign won't stop them. So use your enhanced eyes, Gil. You'll find that there's a lot of belongings lying around," explained Z, with darkened eyes.

Z shuddered as bad memories of the place flowed through his mind. It took him ten years to forget about it, and now it'll take another decade. And that incident where a famous star went into the area to make fun of it... Oh... The cringe was strong within that memory.

"Hey... Hey... I intend to have dreams tonight. Hell, I was hoping to sleep tonight. Until you told me about this place, I'd probably have nightmares if I used my enhanced eyesight for a week. In case you've forgotten, my powers forced me to know the area's history. Right now, I don't want to."

"This place sincerely gives me the heebie-jeebies. I don't want to know more about it..." said Gillian, shivering.

"You're the one who asked, Headmaster. I didn't know you were so freaked out about such things. And if your powers give an insight into the history of the area, why did you even ask Z for its origins?" asked Ashley, confused at how the Aki was acting.

"Just because I'm the Headmaster doesn't mean I can't be afraid of something! I've still got a soul, you know! I'm scared of multiple things! The stench of death is one of them while getting my wife angry is on the top list. Not only that, this place sets off alarm bells."

"As for my powers, only by activating my true sight then could I tap into the history of the area. But that would be a full deep dive into the location's story without sugarcoating anything. Thus, I asked Z for a summary before ramming my brain with such information."

"And why does a small child like her have the memory of this place? Where did she see it from?! How'd she managed to find it? Who told or showed her about this forest?! And she's so young. So when did she know that a suicidal forest exists?! It's horrifying!"

"And speaking of which, where is she?!" blurted Gillian, looking around.

"Looks like even the Headmaster has got a breaking point..." murmured Ashley as he elbowed Z.

"I'm more impressed that the man has asked the 'who, what, when, why and how' questions in a single breath. He would be a great rapper soon if he is done being the Headmaster. And try showing him spiders; you'll get a better result," commented Z, staring at the worried Gillian.

The three men managed to locate Midori, standing on top of a giant boulder covered in moss. She was holding the katana from earlier. Now that the dust had been settled, Ashley could take a good look at what sword it was. He was shocked as he fully saw the weapon.