WebNovelThe Arks85.95%

The Ark Of Mav Meets Kyle

"The Round Table Knights are supposed to be dust by now, but Merlin decided it was a good idea to bring them all back using the power of Darkness and healing."

"Unfortunately, I don't have the details nor wish to bother now because this storm in front of me is giving me a majestic headache!" shouted Gillian, as Ysabeau patted her husband on the shoulder.

"I can't blame anyone for freaking out after seeing this thing... I didn't want to believe it at first, but it's there, and it will wreak havoc once it touches land. If we work together and quell that mega-storm before it reaches the Domains, I will help you out for the rest of the Mission."

"However, if you can't spare your forces to help me, I will disperse those oversized stormclouds and head back home."

"That sounds like a threat to me, Gun Boy..." said Z, with his eyes darkening.

"You'll help me, and I'll help you as well. Not everything is free; out of all people.. Z should know how important that phrase is when it comes to strengthening alliances throughout the nations. Equivalent exchange," said Kyle, extending out his hand.

"I'm not the one in charge of the Teuton Domain... You have to ask the Angry Man."

Now it's Kyle's turn to choke as he hears the name of nightmares.

"You... You guys hired him?! Of all people?!" shouted Kyle.

"Yes... We allowed Baldwin to join us after Mavislin requested it... No need to yell into my ears; my hearing is perfect, and I don't need a new set of ears..." complained Z.

Kyle relaxed as he pondered for a moment.

"I have worked with the guy before, but I don't know if I made a good or bad impression. Or any impression because I can't work with anyone too long."

"How about we ask him? And while we are at it, let's ask if Baldwin can get anything about the calamity from ground zero," suggested Z, frantically typing on the keyboard.

"Sounds good enough. But if he isn't going to cooperate..."

"I'm going to make the Angry Man cooperate, even if it costs me an arm and a leg," said Gillian, helping Z to search for the Angry Man.

Just as they were about to zoom into Baldwin's location, Ashley summoned his rifle out of nowhere and pointed it at Kyle's head. The Mage of Planets instantly drew out his pistols to defend himself.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing?" asked Gillian, backing away from Ashley.

"I'm not in control! I swear... My hands are not..." growled Ashley as he started shaking.

Gillian wanted to throw out his shield in front of Kyle, but someone else appeared in front of Ashley. Kyle could feel his heart leap to his throat as that being of light appeared.

"Heavenly bodies, angels of virtues. Let this light be the guide for all things that have passed... Return to your home, Ashley Von Dalles!" yelled the Valkyrie as she placed her glow palm onto the Marksman's face.

The bright golden light engulfed Ashley's body, and as it faded away, the Marksman was nowhere to be found. Instead, the Valkyrie stood in his stead, breathing heavily as Z walked up to her. As for Kyle, he was starstruck as he laid eyes on the Valkyrie.

Likewise, Mavislin felt a disturbing pair of eyes looking at her, only to find an unfamiliar Mage staring right at her.

"Hello! You must be-"

Before the poor Planet Mage could finish, Mavislin hurled her fist right beside Kyle's face, missing it by an inch. Kyle would've lost his head if not for Gillian's quick moves.

"Mavislin! What's the meaning of this?! You don't throw punches to greet others! Especially when your punch can destroy a dragon's head!" chided Gillian, grabbing Mavislin's wrist.

"You've got some nerve showing up when you left me to die back in Teuton! Or have you forgotten about me?!" yelled Mavislin, using her free hand to grab Kyle's collar.

"I think you've got the wrong guy?! Because I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you for my entire life..." murmured Kyle, undeniably scared of the Valkyrie.

"See what I mean when you wouldn't be able to handle her fury?" whispered Gillian, nudging Kyle's side.

"Ya... But things are different because I've no clue who she is or why she is on a rampage to kill me!" exclaimed Kyle, begging for help.

"Oh, is that so?! So that means you've forgotten about your promise to me then?!"

"As I've said, I've never seen or spoken to you before!"

Mavislin let out a cry of agony and annoyance as she stepped away from the concerned adults. The Valkyrie heaved in a deep breath, and her Elemental Aura began to show.