Final Chapter of Vol 3 Ken x Nirai

After a year


Nirai catches Ken's hand and Ken throws her towards the monster

Nirai-Here we Go,Energy Dragon come out and finish this monster

The Dragon comes out of Nirai hand with a Runble,The Dragon shoots Energy Blades at him to cut him up and then Destroyes her

The Monster screaming


Ken-Good job

Nirai-Okay,I need to go home,please handle the otjer things here

Ken-How is it goung uncle

It has been a year since you left and The War ended

Dad,Mom Aunt Rico started living in Dimension 7 now

While Your High school Friends that we met are also helping Mom

Nirai and I are going to do schooling here

Nirai is exited to meet new friends,She has only used her Demon side a few times in battle,She misses You alot and me too She and I have unlocked the God of Nature too,Uncle when you come back she will be hyped to tell you all the things we have done

Ken returns home

Dk-Oh you are home,how was today


Milano-We are asking about you and Nirai



Ken-Dad,I want to learn something from you


Ken-Dimension Punch

Dk-Hmm,You are still not ready for that


Dk-Ken,Make your body stronger not your fist

Ken-Yeah Dad I will remember that

Milano-So are you exited for the school

Ken-Well it is a magic school where our world studies don't matter so yeah I am


Ken-Sorry Mom

Dk-You miss Zeko don't you

Ken-Sometimes but He had to go

Dk-Yeah,I know how you feel when Dark went away I also felt the same thing but then Dar told me to be strong so now I am,get along with Wat and you would feel the same feeling

Ken-Yeah,Dad I will

Ken leaves the house and stars heading for school

Ken-(Oh yeah one more thing,I have become more quiet,I only talk to Nirai and that's it You can say I have lost the ability to make friends )

Ken reaches school

Nirai-Ken wait up,you took off without me

Ken-Oh sorry

Nirai-its okay,Then lets go!

Ken-(As you said,I have always protected Nirai and that smile always awakens me from anything)Yeah lets go!

Len-Maki sensei is it true that we are getting 2 new students and they are kids of the Light Yuzuki and Den Kazu from Naturals

Maki-Yeah it is true

A student jumps out of the chair and ask who is there

Maki-is someone there Claire

Claire-I feels a strong presence

Ken opens the door

Ken-Good one senceing that

Nirai-Yeah,we were standing outside listning to you guys talk about us

Len-"Us"You are the 2 new students

Ken-I am Ken Kazu,son of Den Kazu

Nirai-I am Nirai Yuzuki,Daughter of Light Yuzuki

Claire-You are Ken

Maki-So you are those kids,Take your seats

Ken and Nirai walk up to your seats

Someone touches Nirai trying to tease her

Ken Takes out light gun aimed at that boy

Ken-Remember who are teasing

Nirai-Its okay,Ken

Nirai and Ken sit down

Maki-What are you doing,Jade

Jade-I am sorry but she is hot

Ken anger level raises

Maki-Shut up,Jade

Jade-Why,Am I lying class

Claire takes out her sword

Claire-Shut up Jade or you will be killed

Nirai-No its okay

Ken-Nirai!,If you think everything is okay,You are not the daughter of Light Yuzuki


Ken-You are not the person you used to be after Uncle Light went away you have changed,sorry Maki sensei But I want you to give me the permission to beat Jade

Maki-I am sorry for the harsh language Jade used,forgive him

Jade-Eh,You weakling

Ken was at his limit but then he remembered Light's teaching to never loose control

Ken calms down and sit

Jade-Come on attack me,you weakling who only are known for their parents

Ken-Well,I don't want to hurt you

Jade attacks him

Keb takes it but didn't loose his mind

Ken stands up

Ken-Now,Oye Maki Sensei I thought there were rules for whoever break school rules,Welk I remember one rule which I love

Nirai-No,Dont Ken

Ken-I challenge you to a KerenLopa

Jade backens up

Naki-You challenge him


Ken-Come on we are doing it now

Jade-Fine I am not scared of you

Jade and Ken are ready for the Duel

Everyone shouting

Ken-Nirai,You have forgotten what your father taught you

This battle is between Ken,Son Of Dk

and Jade,Son of the Village Elder

Maki-I ma sorry,but he did it

Elder-That idiot

Jade cones towards Ken

Ken dodges it

Kicks his leg to make him fall

Takes out light sword and puts it around his neck


Duel over

Ken Kazu wins

Ken is given a choise to choose a reward

Ken-I want Jade to be my friend



He is asked that is he sure about that

Ken-Yeah,On thing My uncle taught me was always make your enemy your friend

Nirai was shocked to hear that

Claire-He is a true warrior

Jade hugs Ken

Jade-I always was a admirer of Light Yuzuki but then he left us and then I started hating him,but I think you are the person I can look upto now

Ken-Lets do our best,Jade


After school

Nirai-I am sorry Ken

Ken-What for

Nirai-I am sorry,after Dad Left I knew I chose the wrond decision letting him go,I miss him alot

Ken comes closer to Nirai and kisses her

Ken-Maybe,You need a person other then your Dad who you can tell everything

Nirai was suprised because of the kiss

As Ken starting leaving

Nirai-Oye you think you could just leave like that

Nirai comes and kisses Ken

Nirai-You are right,I love you Ken

Ken-I love you too Nirai

End of Volume 3

By-Light Yuzuki

Next Volume coming
