Chapter 1 Class D

Phill and Light reach a calm area with all plants and a yellow sky with a school like building in the middle

Light-Are,A school

Phill-Yeah The Dimension breakers base is a school because it it the only building left after the destruction of Dimension X

Light-What happened here?

Phill-The Hero turned into a villian


Phill-Nothing,Let go in


Phill-Before you meet them I shall tell you that the Dimenaion breakers is divided into 4 groups

Light-4 groups

Phill-Yeah You see these people come from different dimensions leaving one who didn't join any group and you may know who he is

Light-The 5th?

Phill-Yeah,These 4 group leader dont trust anyone and the people in the groups to thier leader but some dont and do whatever they want

Light-So they were betrayed by someone in their life

Phill-You are smart Light,yeah Every group leader was betraed by someone in their life


Phill-The 4 Groups are

1st Group-The Dimension 42


Team member-4





2nd Group-Dimension 10


Team Members-3




3rd Group-Dimension 96


Team Member-5





4th Group-Dimension 77


Team Member-2



And the Final is the 5th God of Lightning,Zed

Phill-These are the 15 Team members of the Dimension Breakers and 4 leaders You are going to be the Leader

Light-What about you,Phill

Phill-I am suposed to be the teacher of this Class D

Light-So I am in Class D,are there other Classes

Phill-Yeah,but right now they are gone to protect Dimensions,There are 5 Teams of Dimension Breakers,Each with 19 members

You are in Class D,The Others Are Class A,Class B,Class C,Class E

Light-So its high school but anyone can be here

Phill-You caught on quick

Light-Well,Who is the Principle

Phill-I Almos Forgot about that,Thanks for the reminder,Its Shirazu

Light-The Dagger!

Phill-No,Its coincedence they have the same namr

Light-Wait are the other out that means

Phill-Yeah The Only Class that didn't pass the Final Test is Class D as there lack of Team Work

Phill-Okay Lets go

Phill opens the door of Class D

As The Door opens Light hears alo of shouting

Light-What the hell

Phill sighs

Phill-They are Fighting again

Phill walms to the Teacher Desk

Light-You are not going to do anything

Phill-Just wait and watch

Hiroshi-Oye Haroshi,I will like to say your team is weak

Haroshi-huh,what are you saying,Are you an idiot

Light looks around to see what the other members are doing

Light-Some are sleeping,some don't even care amd some are trying to stop the fight

Light-What is this team😥

Light notices Zed

Light-He is the One in the 10 God of Lightning Images

The 5th God of Lightning,Zed

Zed was trying to stop the fight

Zed-Stop this you guys,we should be a Team,Because of this we did not become the official Dimebsion Breakers

Hiroshi-Stop talking you idiot

Haroshi-Yeah,What are you doing here 5th God of Lightning,You could have saved the Dimensions yourself

Hiroshi pushes Zed down

Zed-What are you doing

Hiroshi-Its time you learnt some leason,5th God of Whatever

Light steps in the fight

Light-What are you two doing,just calm down and dont hurt yourself

Hiroshi-What,Who are you and Why are you telling me to calm down

Phill-He is the new classmate I was talking about

Haroshi-Oh Let ne teach you how you behave in this classroom

Light-Okay,But First

Light jumps and gets behind them and touchea their Neck


Both Haroshi and Hiroshi fell on the ground

Zed-That's You are

Everyone turn their attention towards me

Light-Let me tell you,you dont rule me

Hiroshi-Who are you

Light-Oh Yeah,Let me introduce myself I am the Final God Of Lightning,Light Yuzuki Aka Lightning Yuzuki,you heard that right as I am The New leader of Class D of the Dimension Breakers,Nice to meet you all

End of Part 1

Part 2 begins

Zed-I knew it,Paralyze is the move given to all gods

Light-You are well informed,Zed

Zed-Yeah,but I have never heard of the Final God Of Lightning

Light-Yeah,L knew you were going to say that so L gave me his journal to give you


Hiroshi-Oye,How much time you are going tk keep us like this

Light-Obiviesly,until yoy stop behaving like this and get some sence in your mind

Phil-Oye,Everyone get back to your seats

Haroshi-Sensei,What about us

Phill-You see Shirazu recruited Light to get some sence about teamwork in this class so it will be his decision when to release you

Hiroshi-Dont do this to us

Phill-Light,can you release them

Light-Not a chance

Phill-See,You have to learn you lesson uptil then

Light-Oh,I forgot what do you teach here

Phill-Oh yeah nothing as some of them are tok smart and some don't want to

Light-Okay,The person at the door will you please come in

Oda-You noticed me


Oda comes in

Light-You are Oda,Leader of the 4th group,sit at your place

Phill-You are already going to do somehing

Light-Yeah,As everyone is here now let me tell you one thing,I am here to imlrove your teamwork and make you a good team,so you can ask me anything but if any of you fought again,You are getting even worse punishment then this

Anna-Wait a minute,Who are you to lead us,You look weak enough that if we fought together we can defeat you

Light starts laughing

Anna-What is so funny

Light-Bo you jus said Fought together

Anna-Welk You see My team is enough to defeat you

Light-Oh,really so You can't defeat me alone


Anna attacks Light


Light dodges it and paralyzes her

Anna-You dodged my attack,that attack that even Zed was not able to handle


Oda attack Light in Rage

Light dodges it and paralyzes Oda

Light Sighs

Light-At the end,As I thought only the leaders attacked me and I Understood what personalities they have

Light-First Hiroshi who is short minded and attack anyone who comes in his way,understanding that he was betrayed by a bitch,Then Haroshi,Also short minded and nothing else so betrayed by his sibling,Then Comes Anna,Loves her teamates alot,A typical Tsundre I can say,she hates to loose and hates those people who look down on her as she is a half demon and wants to proove that she can do anythinf without demon powers,and Finally Oda is the only person who friendship here like Zed but is too shy to say anything


Haroshi-Did you

Anna-Know All

Oda-Of that

Light-Oh The Answer is simple,it is becausr I am Light Yuzuki amd The 1st didn't choose me like that

Zed-1st?,you mean

Light-Yeah,I am chosen by Light Yuzuki,The 1st God Of Lightning


Anna-Everything can't be explained by just you name,tell me how did you know I am a Demon

Light-Oh,That's Because.....

Changes his hand into Demon Hand

Ligjt-I am Half Demon


End of Chapter


By-Light Yuzuki