Chapter 21 Overdrive Codes

Lightning-What do you mean my brother is not here with you

Miku-No!,I dont mean it that way

Lightning-So what does that mean

Miku Sigs

Miku-After hearing about you Death,he became sad and depressed and that was when Renliz got hin and now he is on the Evil side.

Lightning-Oh,Okay then I will save him later,but first we need you to be healed

Light-Right,Before that can I talk to your family


Light-Ugh,Now this is going to be awkward,Lightning!Cna you please

Lightning sigs

Lightning-Yeah,okay so please dont confuse him for me

Miku-But,Man I love you

Light-Yeah,Rico is in a good mood

Riese and Miku-Wait who is she

Light-She ia my wife

Miku-Oh,okay we are sorry

Light-Thanks,now I am going to see Rico


Aiden-Yeah,hurts doesn't it

Iris-Yup,seeing my Brother in law after like 10 years but he isn't

Aiden-Yeah,but still this is what we all call a hardships of Relationships

Hime-Oh really,what do you know about that

Aiden-Ugh,Hime no I am just,ouch


Kisses Aiden

Hime-You are the guy I married

Aiden-Oh,Okay dont say that


Rico-So,Now what

Light-Well,Now we have to defeat Lightning's Brother and get the information about the real boss

Rico-And about my birthday

Light-What about it

Rico-You see from the last 5 years,we celebrated our birthday either without them or each other,well this birthday will be my best as everyone is here

Light-Oh well,that is correct

Rico kisses Light

Rico and Light seeing the sunset

Next morning

Zeko-Okay,lets see.the next one coming here

Miku-Why do you think everyone is weak

Aiden-We dont,we just love to fight them and see if they are strong

Light-Correct Aiden

Zeko-Hey wanna decide who wanna fight him when he comes down

Light-Na thia time you are going Zeko

Zeko-Okay,this is going to be fun

Riese-Here they come

A huge landing happened infront of him and they saw Lizoroka

Lizoroka-I am Lizoroka,conqueror of planets and I am here to detroy them and this place


Lizoroka-Oh,there are people who know me from Dimension 2,that means I have already conquered,Dimension 2 planets

Light-Na,You got destroyed 5 years ago by the Naturals

Lizoroka-What!,No way Okay so that one was weak but I am not

Light-Zeko,Are you ready


Light-Then lets do this

Lizoroka-So only one

Zeko-Yeah,One 1 is enough for you

Lizoroka-Okay then,lets do this

Zeko-Fine here we go,Beyond my Power,Boost Extreme!

Miku-What is that

Zeko Had wings made up of water at the back and a whole alot of power

Light-That is Boost Extreme,exceeding the powers of Boost!

Iris-So how much steonger is it then the original form


Riese-So its only reached the Dragon forms

Light-Well,There is a difference,the Power kf Dragon forms is High but agility is not good while in this everything is balanced

Miku-Okay,How did you know there is a plwer exceeding Boost

Light-Umm,Just thought all the other Naturals couldnt be left weak

Miku-Very well

Lizoroka-We now you have water around you but you are still not strong

Zeko-Let' see about that

Zeko quikly goes behind Lizoroka and Kicks him

Zeko quicky goes towards him and uses Mystic hand to go inside Lizoroka crushing him and them using Water Lasher to destroy Lizoroka


Lizoroka disaapears


Light-I know right

Miku-Be Careful,there is another

A Big Blast happens on the ground

???-Evil must be exwcuted

Light-Who ia that and why is he talking like a good guy

Miku-He is

Iris-He inserted the strongest person spirit in


Riese-My Father's body


Light-Wait so this strongest guy is a good guy


Light-So why?

Riese-He tricked him thinking that we are the bad guys

Light-What is his name


Lance-I Lance am here to defeat you

Light-Okay,I am fighting him


Lightning-Yeah,let him

Light goes pn the battlefield

Lance-Hm,You look just like me but you are evil

Light-You know this doesn't make any sence

Lance-Shut up,Evil

Lance quicky moves towards him with his sword

Light-Okay,you are not going to listen to me

Light Dodges him and puts his two fingers on his neck from behind giving a lightning charge

Lance sticks to the ground

Lance-What is this,I cant move my body

Light-Its a thing known as Paralyze

Lance-What is that

Light-It paralyzes your body for 15 minutes

Lance-Free me from this,You Evil person

Light-First thing I am not an evil person

Lance-What,you are Gregor told

Light-Yeah,you think what good guy transfer's your soul to another body,That means he killed that guy,didn't he and if I was a bad guy,I would use this chance to kill you

Lance-How can I be tat of an Idiot

Light-Yeah,so do you know the good side now or you still wanna battle

Lance-Yeah m,you are correct but actually lets have a friendly battle,I want to see how strong you really are

Light-Okay,but some other time

Lance-Got it

Light removes the paralyses from Lance

Miku-What did you do

Light-Ah,the good guy talk

Riese-So,now what

Light-Um,he is on our side now and will be battling alongside us

Miku-O.Okay,Let go back to the base now

Light-Umm,I will be leaving to get something

Riese-Its something Lightning says should be good if I get it

Rico-You are leaving?

Aiden-Can I come with you this time


Lightning-Yeah,It will be better if we took you there


Rico-So that means I will see you later


Rico gives a goodbye kiss to Light,Hime as well to Aiden

Light and Aiden take off

Light-So Lightning where are we going

Lightning-We are going to get Overide codes

Aiden-What are those?

Flame-Overide codes are absolute codes that works once a day,it can destroy any enemy of your choise

Lightning-Even a God

Light-You are kidding

Flame-No,Yeah Also our body cannot handle the full power of the Overside codes,yet there is a way of handling the full power,uptil now we only reached the Power to destroy a Demon with those power

Light-Wow,Okay so we are getting a big power on our hand

Aiden-And You know that with Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Light-Oh come on,Aiden

Aiden-Sorry,I had nothing to say

Light-Okay,Lets speed up

Aiden-Yeah,that would be great


Rico-So,lets talk Miku,Riese and Iris because we need to clear things up between us

Miku-Yeah,We need to

Riese-Welk,Simply You are with our dad

Iris-What,she is not

Riese-The perso he is in

Rico-Yeah,So what

Riese-You dont know how much sad mother was when She Found out that the person who had Light in him was already in love


Miku-Because I promised myself that I would marry the person Light in him

Rico-You know that was really difficult to happen


Suddenly Dark Aura came in Riese and Miku

Rico-What is hapoening

Iris-That's Dark Aura,Its capturing Sister,we need to save her

Rico-Yeah but how

Iris-Come on out vines and catch them

Rico-Iris call the others


Rico-Just call them



Unknown place

Light and Aiden

Aiden-Where are we

Light-Dont have a clue

Lightning-This is the home of my teacher Lyla

Light-Okay,Then what do we do?



(Aiden knocks)

The ground Below Aiden Feets disappeared and Aiden Fell


Aiden uses Flame power to fly

Aiden-What the hell

A shadow figuere comes out of nowwhere and attacks Light

Light fells down on the ground

The shadow figure shocked


End of Chapter


By-Light Yuzuki