Chapter 22 God of Lightining

???-How are you alive

Light-Yeah,I am not the one you are thinking


Lightning-Calm down Lyla its the person chosen for my stone

Lyla-oh,So you have a chose a person for your stone Light


Light-So,Can I stand up

Aiden-Yeah,Can I know what was this

Lyla-Who is this idiot

Flame-I choose him

Lyla-JZ,I knew you would choose a stupid

Flame-Yeah,I did so what

Aiden-Hey,Dont call me stupid

Lyla-What are you two Naturals for

Light-We need you to teach us Overide codes

Lyla-Overide codes?

Lightning-He is ready,Lyla I assure you

Lyla-Okay,Lets test it

I will throw this can bring it back without using your powers


Lyla-Here you go

Light starts running

Lyla-What do you think,you can do that


Lyla-Knew it

The can was about to go off the cliff

Light-Here goes nothing

Light jumps off the cliff


Light Activates Light Sword and puts it on tje cliffs side preventing his fall

Light-Got it,so now I get the Overide codes



Rico-What the hell

Riese does the same

Miku was about to press Rico down with her feat but Rico dodges it

Rico uses Soundwave

Miku covers her ears

Riese attacks her from the back

Rico was slapped away

Rico-Ouch!,Boost Extreme!

Soundwave aura surrounds nd waves of sound comes out of Rico back

Rico Quickly goes towards Riese and makes a sound blast from her hands

Riese fells on the ground returning to her orignal size and Rico was captured by Miku


Rico-Oh come on, stupid

Lily comes in and Makes a Wind blast to make Miku fall

Miku returns to her original size

Rico-Thanks Lily

Lily-Iris came to me running and told me everything,who would have thought they are crazy about Light

Riese-This isn't over

Riese disappears without Miku

Everyone comes to the place

Zeko-Are you okay Rico

Rico-Yeah,Hey Iris do you know a way to extract Dark Aura

Iris-No,but I do know its in our blood

Rico-Great,Rine can you find a way to cure this

Rine-Yeah,If I get the right equipment

Rico-Good get it done,thank you and Now lets end this once and for all

Zeko-Rico!,what about us

Rico-Okay,I need to tell you all something


Rico-Light told me there is a way to even surpass Boost Extreme! and get to a higher level

Milano-What is it called

Rico-Its called God Mode

Dk-God Mode?

Rico-Yeah,I want Dk,Milano,Zeko,Flice and Sam to go back to our world and find God stones

Zeko-Wait,what are God stones

Rico-God Stones conbine with our Original stone to give us Power of the Gods

Mystic-God stones,there is a thing that happens if we use them but I dont remember that,but I do know this to use it in an emergency

Rico-Well,whatever is that Concequence we have to face it

Dk-So did Light find any stone

Rico-I didn't know but the last I asked he didn't get any

Dk-Okay,they are hard to find

Rico-Okay,Eveyone Ready so Naturals Team up and Strike

Zeko-Okay,that's kind of good

Rico-Thabk you

Dk,Milano,Zeko,Flice and Sam go back to Dimension 2

Next Morning

Rico comes in into the Lab to check on Rine

Rico-Rine how is it going

Rine-I worked all night and I got 2 Antidotes,One I used on Miku to cure her and One is still left,I cant make anymore because the Dark aura in Miku was to low

Rico-So you are telling me if we get a person who has Dark Aura for a longer ti.e then we can cure this

Rine-Yes,That's correct but who could that be

Rico-Maybe,Light can help


Rico-Light has the Dark Aura of Dark Dragon

Rine-Oh yeah,maybe that can help

Miku wakes up

Miku-What happened

Rico-You were sad Of your Light's Death that much that it lead you to get Dark Aura in you

Miku-Oh shit,What about Riese and Iris

Rico-Iris is okay but


Rico-Riese went to meet Lightning's Brother

Miku-Oh shit,what have I done

Rico-Its okay,we have good news

Miku-What is that

Rico-We found a way to cure Drak Aura,we just need it

Miku-But where can you get that

Rico-From Light,He has the Dark Aura of Dark Dragon

Miku-Wajt what how?

Rico-we wilk tell you that later,just come now

its next day,Our enemy will be coming

Miku-Oh yeah,We need to go

An Earthquake started

Rico-What,an Earthquake

Miku-No its sonething else

Rico flies up and was shocked

Rico come down and tells Miku

Rico-T.There is a Whole army of Demons out there amd Far away is Riese and Maybe Lightning's Brother

Miku was shocked

Miku-What?,Our town,our people they can't Die

Rico-They will not,Everyone we are going on a war,Get ready,it's not easy but we can do it

Raze-Yes We Can

Emily-That's obivious

Fazuka-Whoever's out there is going to die

Rine-They are Dead!

Lily-Oh Yeah this is going to be fun

Hime-They seriously dont know who are they facing,do they?

Gine-Brother,Lets End this together

Jin-Lets see who is stronger

Kui-Yeah,Jin lets tell them who are they facing of against

Rico-Lets save Dimension 7!


Renliz-Are you sure about this

Riese-Yes,If we destroy Garfuld and those New Naturals Maybe we can get omLight back from them,Am I right or Not Zeker

Zeker-You are correct,Riese I will get my brother back

Back at Garfuld

Rico-Are we Ready

Miku-Yeah we are

Lily-Oh man,here we go

Everyone comes out of the Gate

And faces Zeker,Riese standing infront of him

Miku-Zeker amd Riese,Come on please snap out of it

Zeker-Stop this thing and bring us Light


Riese-Because we need him,You idiot

Rico-Even If he was here,he would never go with you

Zeker-Okay,Good he is not here because he doesn't need to see Garfuld destruction and Die with it

Miku-Zeker,Dont tell me you

Renliz-That is correct,I am here Miku here to bring You and Light on my side and Destroying Garfuld

Miku-Zeker,why did you bring him here

Zeker-Because If My brother doesn't have Garfuld to come back to then the only olace will be this

Renliz-Now enought of this,Attack

Zeker jumps up,makes And Light balk attack and shoots at Garfuld

A Lightning strike happens

Riese,Zeker and Renliz-What!

Standing there in the smoke was Light and Aiden

Aiden-Oh what is happening here



Light-I am not your brother,I am Light Yuzuki Aka LightningY


Lightning-Riese,He is not

Light-Now what were you doing

Reise-We are going to destroy Garfuld so you can come with us

Light-Ok why do you think I will

Zeker-Will you not,brother

Light-No!,I am sorry

Zeker-Then we have to take you forcefully

Lightning-you know he is stronger then me

Light-Yeah,but he is not stronger then us

Light and Zeker clash in a battle

Light dodges Zeker punch while kicking him on the side of the face

Zeker gets thrown sidewards

Zeker-You have gotten stronger brother but not stronger then this

Zeker-Boost Extreme!

Light-wait he has one


Light-Here we go then,I summon you Electfo Dragon



Renliz-Hmm,thats suprising

Electro-Oh we are that place

Light-Yeah,That place lets do it

Electro-That's Zeker,Hmm lets do this kid

Light moves towards and quicky comes at the back of Zeker

Zeker-Too Fast!

Light kicks Zeker and he is in air

Light quickly moves towards him

Light-Electro Dragon

Electro Dragon comes out of Light's Hand with a Rumble and Attacks Zeker


A huge explosion happened


Zeker Comes out with a Light on his full body with Dark aura aroubd him

Zeker-You have alot defeating my first form but now you are Fightning Evil God Of Light Latelium


Lightning-Yeah,God stone

Light-That means

Lightning-Yeah,Its a goodbye my friend

Light-Any chance meeting again

Lightning-Dont think so

Light-I will miss you man

Lightning-Me too,In heaven

Light-Hey before we do this,Can I just say somefhing to Miku

Zeker-Yeah,Okay maybe she will be in the right mind to tell you not to Fight this

Miku-What happened?

Light-Wait,not me its Lightning

Lightning-Hey Miku,Bow Light will use something to make me a free spirit,so I am saying this might be the last time you hear me


Iris-Handle yourself,Sister

Miku-Okay,Can I just get a hug from hin to make me feel better

Light-Okay,Rico can you

Rico-Yeah,Let her do it

Miku hugs Light

Miku-Goodbye Light Yuzuki Aka Lightning

Lightning-See ya,Miku Yuzuki aka Mikuzai,Light do it

Light-Hey I am ready

Light takes out the God Stone


Light-Now All of this wilk when I call uopn The God of Lightning,Eternium!


Light was covered with Light

His Coat was filled with Blue Electricity

His Hands were Light Green and Yellow and Black Lines Came on his face with a Lightning symbol on the Back

Light-Now this is equal

Light quickly moves towards Zeker


Light makes a fist out of Lighning and Punches him

Zeker was blown away even his Dark aura and Then Zeker faints

Light-I shall call it Pure Punch


Light moves towards Riese and Uses Pure Punch again

Reise faints

Renliz-Denons Attack!!!!

Light takes out his Right hand and makes a wrist facing Downwards

Light-Destruction Overide,Code:Destroy God Level


Miku-God Level

Iris-Overide code

Light moves towards

Light-Are You Scared?Renliz

Light Uses Lightning Punch and Blows Renliz away

Light-Now makes Lightni g strike come down on him

Renliz was weakend alot

Light-Now Die

Light joins both his palms and joins them

Lightning-Eternium Blast

A huge Beam comes out and Erases Renliz out of existence


Light retuns Normal

A small Light comes out of him

Lightning-Its time to say Goodbye but before I go you should know that was the only time you could use the God Power to that limit,And to use it again you should to a half of its lower you should..........

,Got it GoodBye Light

Light-GoodBye Light Yuzuki Aka Lightning my Friend

That Light becomes a huge Light and Dissappears

Rico comes in


Rico hugs Light

Rico-What was that Light

Light-That was The God Power I told you about

Aiden-That means

Flame-Lightning is Gone!

Light-Yeah,But he did gave me his last advice

Rico-Will you miss him

Light-I wilk but I Will always be Thankfull to him

Fazuka-So Now what

Light-Dont know

Miku-Maybe,can you all stay for a little while


Light-Okay,but how will I go with you alk having the same face as Lightning

Rico-Hmm,Maybe they can be your sisters

Light-What do you mean

Rico-Iris can be your little sister

Miku-Can be you big sister

And Reise can be your niece

Miku-That wilk be hard but okay,We will try our best

Back at the Base

Light-Miku,I am using the lab and olease nobody disturb me

After a day of working,Light comes out

Rico-What did you make

Light-This is God Arnour

Aiden-What is that

Light-Its made for God Mode


Light-Well you see,the Power that I recieved,half of it was Lightning,I cant get that much power,and he also handled my whole body during the mode,Tobe in control of that half power,I made this It can the handle the power in my body and not let it explode

Rico-So you say,the half power can kill you of you dont wear this



Iris-No words

Light-By the way whrmere is Zeko,Sam,Flice,Dk and Milano

Rico-I sent them on the mission to retrive the other God Stones

Light-Okay,Use those stones when you really need it.

Rico-Got it

Aiden-Are you going to Name this Armour

Light-Yeah,as this was Lightning last wish for me to do,I will call it LightningY

Miku-That's What I accept of my Little Brother

Light-Oh,I need to get a habit of that

End of Chapter


By-Light Yuzuki