Lanie signed the contract and received a temporary identification card immediately.
She was sent out of CEO Park's office once the transaction was done.
Jeong directed her to the empty office outside the double doors, and gave her the instructions and expectations that Lanie remembered. She was not starting today Friday but the following Monday to settle any affairs.
Lanie would be at the immediate beck and call for Gavin Park, and would receive a company cellphone and access to whatever amenities would be convenient, like a driver. She took advantage of the privilege of having Mr. Park's personal driver, James, take her home. She rode home in a sleek black Bentley Mulsanne.
Her apartment was in a modest area, relatively safe with a lot of families about, the police station two minutes away, and her father living in a care facility nearby. She entered the lock code and was greeted by the meow and purr of her rag doll cat, Yummy. Yummy was the last expensive gift her mother gave her before she left.
"Hello, Yummy," Lanie greeted her kitty as she took off her shoes. Yummy rubbed her head along Lanie's legs and stared up with her blue eyes.
Lanie reached down and scratched behind Yummy's right ear. "Guess what, Yummy, Mama's got the job. I'm a secretary now."
Yummy purred and looked up.
"Would you like some delicious tuna?" Lanie asked her cat who meowed in answer. Yummy followed behind as they made their way to the kitchen.
As she opened the can, Lanie recalled the interview and thought about her new boss. He definitely had a handsome face, a fit body, and an enormous presence that filled the entire office.
Even though Secretary Jeong was in the room, the atmosphere was very intimate at least to Lanie as she made eye contact with Gavin. His eyes seemingly twinkled at her in amusement.
She put the tuna in the cat's bowl and Yummy meowed in appreciation before she ate. She filled up the water bowl, too.
Opening the refrigerator, Lanie pulled out the leftover noodles she had for dinner last night and warmed them up in the microwave. She was too mentally tired to cook. She ate in silence and then washed and put away her dishes.
Pushing out her arms above her head, Lanie stretched to release any tension she felt. Her body seemed to feel lighter and her mind less stressed. Now, she was gainfully employed and was going to her utmost best to be the most excellent secretary to Mr. Park.
Walking over to the closet, Lanie changed from her business attire into her favorite baggy sweatpants and a t-shirt. Piling her hair into a messy bun with another hair band, she sat at her mirrored dressing table and looked at the mirror.
She examined her features, emphasized by only a touch of light makeup: straight brows, clear skin, large, brown almond-shaped eyes framed by long dark lashes, tiny nose, and rosebud lips.
Wiping off the makeup, Lanie examined her face again, sighed at her baby face, and took out her contact lenses. She got up to wash her face, brush her teeth, and put on her glasses. She was not a total natural beauty like her mother or her eldest sister. Her looks didn't come until she was in high school. She depended on her intelligence and quick wits. Her sister Janelle nagged at her to get a makeover and the new Lanie Lee was the campus beauty until her exit from University.
But as one knows, beauty only gets you certain places. Lanie glanced over to her university diplomas and various awards on the wall. Maybe it was her ambitious and straight-to-the-point personality that got in the way of keeping relationships and friendships going. People didn't understand her thought processes and thought she was odd.
Yummy trotted into the bedroom, jumped on the bed, and lay on the bed.
"What do you think, Yummy? Am I going to work at this new company for long?"
Lanie sat opposite her cat on the bed. Yummy meowed and rubbed her head against Lanie's hand.
"I think so, too, Yummy, it's going to take a while to get anywhere in this company."
Lanie turned on the television to watch random cable shows until she felt tired and decided to turn off the lights.
Going to sleep was going to be challenging, but Lanie tucked herself under the covers and closed her eyes. She tossed and turned in her bed all night. Her eyes opened. Looking at her alarm clock, she had only been in bed for an hour. She let out a big sigh and tried to relax. She looked over to her sleeping Yummy who was stretched on the end of the bed.
"At least one of us is going to get her beauty rest!" Lanie said to herself. She just could not sleep and called on her personal cell the only person who would pick up.
"Sis, I can't sleep."
"You got the job, didn't you? Congratulations." A warm female voice answered with a gentle laugh.
"How's the emergency room, Nurse Lee?"
"Surprising quiet for this ungodly hour even with your occasional drunk coming through with alcohol poisoning. "
"I hope you don't mind me calling."
Janelle laughed again, "It's fine. Nurse Jo says hi and congrats. She's wondering why you didn't try for the laboratories in the hospital. "
Lanie smiled and responded, "You know skin and beauty have always been my passion, tell her thank you for the good word though."
"She says welcome, oh, we have to go, we have patients incoming. I love you, Tiny. "
As her sister hung up, Lanie was grateful for her sister. Tiny was Janelle's nickname for her because was Lanie born prematurely.
Despite being only five years apart, Janelle had raised her, took care of her, and supported her until adulthood. She always remained strong and positive even as their father's health deteriorated and their mother's absence.
Lanie felt good enough to sleep.