Lanie’s First Day (Part One)

A cellphone ringtone kept going off. Yummy woke up, noticed the buzzing and ringing thing on the bedside table, and with a paw pushed the annoying thing onto the hardwood floor. It banged loudly, making Lanie sit up quickly to the sound.

The phone continued to buzz and chime. Lanie yawned and climbed out of her warm bed to pick up the annoying piece of tech. She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and took a glance at the lock screen. It read, "Gavin Park."

"What in the world? I don't start work until Monday, it's the weekend," mumbled Lanie.

The cell ran again. Immediately, she knew she had to pick up.

"Yes, Mr. Park, how can I assist you?" Lanie asked in her most pleasant business voice.

The most masculine laugh was heard on the other side making Lanie feel flustered. Like a teenage girl, her heart beat fast and her cheeks felt hot.

"Did I wake you?"

"Yes, sir."

"Great, get ready, I'm picking you up in an hour. Make sure you pack a suitcase for the weekend, businesswear, casual wear, and a cocktail dress with heels."

Lanie started to feel the rise of panic in her chest.

"I take it from your silence, that you will be needing my assistance. I'll have Ms.Jeong get an atelier to get your measurements and a personal shopper picks up a few things when we touch down in Los Angeles. Just take what you can."

If Secretary Jeong was getting all these things for her, what was Lanie's position? She spent most of her money on the latest business clothing, not party dresses or fancy high-heeled shoes.

"Yes, sir."

"Be outside on the curb in an hour."

"Yes, Mr. Park."

Then, the line went to the dial tone. Lanie sighed.

She went to her hallway closet and pulled out her rolling suitcase. Grabbing a couple of easy dress suits, blouses, sundresses, undergarments, two pairs of work heels, sandals, and toiletries, Lanie put them all into the case.

It was time to get ready for the day. Yummy came up to Lanie, rubbing against her leg. Oh no, what about her cat? She needed someone to watch her kitty, but she didn't know anyone in her new apartment complex. Her sister lived too far away and just got off of her hospital shift. Then, her work cell called again. He had his ringtone programmed in.

"Yes, Mr. Park?"

"I've heard you have a cat. I've made arrangements for boarding and care for it. She'll be with you on the trip, so bring her along."


"See you soon."

Yummy meowed, looking up with her big sapphire-colored eyes.

"How did he know about you? Well, let's get cleaned up and get you ready to go."
Lanie waited out in front of her modest apartment building with her suitcase in one hand and Yummy's carrier in the other. She had opted to wear a delicate white blouse, khaki Capri pants, and beige espadrilles. Her hair pulled back in a high ponytail. As she waited, she left Janelle a message telling her about the impending business trip and said she would call back with details.

The black Bentley rolled up. James got out of the car, grabbed Lanie's suitcase, and put it in the trunk. He then opened the back passenger side door. Sitting like the lord of his domain was her boss sporting dark aviator sunglasses and dressed in a navy polo shirt, gray khaki pants, and gray Air Jordans. He reached out to get Yummy's carrier as Lanie took her seat.

"Hey, kitty, you are so pretty!" Gavin said to Yummy through the mesh of the carrier. Yummy meowed and purred. Lanie as she was putting on her seat belt almost dropped the buckle in surprise at her cat's behavior. Yummy wasn't so friendly to new people but she acted so comfortable around Mr. Park. Mr. Park placed the carrier between the seats and buckled the carrier in.

"We're ready to go, James," he called out.

"Yessir, Mr. Park," James replied and drove out toward the freeway.

Lanie stroked her kitty's fur through the mesh. Typically, Yummy anxiously meowed in car rides, like when they moved into their new apartment. Yummy was enjoying the ride and rubbing her head against Lanie's hand. Yummy went to the other side of the carrier and rubbed her head against Mr.Park's hand lying on his thigh. He put out a finger and touched Yummy's nose.

Gavin looked over to Lanie and grinned at her. He had a perfect white smile with even teeth. She couldn't see his eyes and their intent.

"I hope that you got a sufficient amount of rest, Secretary Lee. The flight is a long one as you know."
Lanie nodded as she said, "Thank you, I did."

"There's the skincare consortium meeting I needed to go to. I appreciate your flexibility in starting earlier than planned as this meeting was set during my last secretary's tenure. You will be compensated for your time, of course." Said Mr. Park in a matter-of-fact voice.

Lanie replied, "I understand."

Lanie was ready and knowledgeable about the Skincare Consortium as she took part as a member not too long ago. How the privileged have fallen, she thought to herself as she remembered her fledgling skincare company blacklisted for faulty product quality control. She had fought in the courts who exonerated her based on tests, testimonies, and other evidence and had won a lawsuit but her reputation was ruined. She glanced over to her new employer who was playing with Yummy and making kissing noises at the kitty with his mouth.

"Mr. Park, we've arrived at the airport," James announced from the driver's seat.

"Please head to the VIP terminal and we will offboard onto the tarmac," Park ordered.

Arriving at the terminal, they stepped out of the Bentley and went to the VIP Lounge. It seemed that they were the only travelers there. There was a small continental breakfast buffet, coffee, and other amenities. Lanie's stomach growled loudly. Park's eyebrows raised in surprise. She laughed awkwardly and helped herself to a cup of tea, some eggs, and a bagel with cream cheese. Yummy was already out of her carrier exploring the premises and meowing pitifully. Lanie put down her food and grabbed the travel litter box from the luggage cart and Yummy was happy. Park smiled at the interaction. Yummy followed Lanie to a discreet corner of the Lounge.

"You know, I've never had a pet, let alone a cat as charming as yours. Wasn't allowed." Park commented.

"Charming? That one thinks I'm a human servant," Lanie laughed as she tried to eat her bagel and drink her tea.

Yummy was not a stinky cat, did her business, and meowed for assistance.

Luckily, Lanie was done with breakfast and called Yummy, " Yes, my lady. "

With the litter box all clean and put away, Lanie scooped up Yummy and put her into the carrier.

Mr. Park reached out a hand to take it from her hands as he said, "Lanie, why don't you freshen up and I'll take Miss Yummy up to the private jet."

Lanie nodded and they went their separate ways.