When I opened My eyes.....

When I opened my eyes....

I was on the Surface of Earth. The Earth's Immortal system is underground and I am a mortal of immense power, People in the management of Earth call me ' The One Punch Girl' I am known to

beat enemy's in just a punch. Actually now I am going to live with a family different then my own .

but my alternate mom and dad which are members of Earth's Immortal system. They take care of me as if their own child . They call me Sakura and only they on earth know that I am 'One Punch Girl' . I have been sent here for some missions Because Earth's Immortal management system suspects some monsters to enter planet Earth's atmosphere and they are killing people in place called Sinnoh region. I shall stop them without people noticing me because I love to be a low profile girl Like I hate public speaking in school

, Now you will ask me why do you go to school because you are 'The One Punch Girl' ?

The reason behind it is The Earth's Immortal management system has told me to stay as a normal child because they do not want suspicion from any neighbours or People living near my house

** Saying this she flies away to Sinnoh region **

There she sees a big monster from whom people were running here and there.

' She gets down to the monster and says'

"What are you doing here you should be in your planet and not to trouble people of our planet

' First Monster who was looking like a Tigerman kind of says' We are here to kill atleast a hundred people today and we are sent by a demon named

DABURA he is King of Demonland and soon will be King of both places earth and Demonland .


*** Both the Monsters start laughing ***

'The One Punch Girl' says - It is not going to happen and you mark my words you are not leaving without your hands AND legs broken

" You are not going to leave without your hands and legs broken "

The second monster who looks like a cheetah man

says in a hillirious way.

Hahahhahahaha Both start laughing while Sakura is standing with anger and patience.

Sakura says then I'll show you my power.

The Monsters say we will also Powerup .

and they' call their army of demons' like not very strong army but not too weak too

The Demons Powerup and change their stats.

*** The teeth of both demons become Long and sharp , their nails become tall and conical in shape their face looked furious the cheetah man also looked faster and finally their body become muscled.*** ' They said ' now aren't you of us.

Sakura says ... Nope....

The Demon army started attacking The One Punch Girl , But then Sakura did something that terrified the Tigerman and cheetah man too much .....

They both were filled with fear a fear that grew second by second .

*** They were Terrified because of Sakura's immense power through which she killed all the Demon army in one punch straight through stomach. ***

She said Now it's your my Time to break your hands and legs .

First demon said ... Imposible.....

Both the demons said ' We Are unstoppable'

Then Sakura Says" I Am... 'The One Punch Girl'

*** Intense music plays and Sakura breaks hand and legs of both the demons and says.

I am not letting you go because I have forgived

you it's because I want to tell your Demonking or DABURA that if he sents more demon their and his

result will be more worse than yours now go out of Earth and never come back you idiots.

The demons say Ooo...kkkkk... we are leaving .

**** The Demons run away from there and get to DABURA the king of Demonland.****

!!!!! At King DABURA'S palace !!!!!

(DABURA is speaking in sweet voice turning to dark and angry voice) : My dear demons didn't I give you enough army and dark power, did I ?

Both the demons (fearfully) say- My...lorddd...

you... did...g.ggive us e.. enough army.

Dabura in angrness says " then why did you both bastards couldn't defeat a small girl.

Both demons say that Sirrr....that ... girl had immense power...s

DABURA says" But then also you have had power to kill a small girl.... So you Deserve to die you really really deserve to die....

Both demons say .... But ...No.

**** DABURA brutally kills both the demons by cutting their heads with is big magical sword .****

He says Now I'm mad now I am really really mad Is anyone here who can defeat this girl with immense powers the comes a mighty but ruthless warrior shapeshifter .

Dabura says I am proud of your courageous behaviour shapeshifter .... But if you disappoint me you will be given punishment of putting you into pound of hungry scorpions . better not disappoint me . Go and finish her and kill atleast 200 people .

Shapeshifter says ok sir.....

*Will shapeshifter be able to kill The mightest girl in whole history ? Can The One Punch Girl' be able to beat the shapeshifter or will be thrown in pond of scorpions? that's creepy right! find out what happens in next chapter.!

Till then keep watching 'The Punch Girl' . *

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