The Fatality Of The Shape Shifter.

I had just came from sinnoh region wet with blood at the dark night . Then I saw that someone is behind me actually there was a man peeking from his window his name was mr.parrot he liked to watch what is going on in

others house rather watching his own household problems. That man took suspension of me coming so night as I told You about the order given By the earth's immortal mannegment system was Not to tell anyone and not let anyone suspect that I am The Mighty One Punch girl. That man just saw me , my luck was with me so he couldn't see

the blood of my enemies to me or earth's immortal mannegment system could have given me punishment for this behaviour of mine. although I reached home and took a bath then I had my dinner and then I slept thinking that now no demons will be sent by King Dabura of Demonland..

The next day I went to school as usual

and gave some tests but I couldn't study anything yesterday because of my hectic schedule . I was really bored In this school the earth's surface education system is not better than our education system I think Because....

1) In our underground schools we used to learn about martial arts gymnastics etc.

2) We got to watch animes our teachers showed us animes it was really awesome but the schools on surface of earth only tell students to write theories of nearly 20 pages without any reason.

3) they do not have any practical knowledge of how to deal with circumstances for eg. the school on earth tells us why earthquakes and tsunamis and volcanoes occur but don't tell us what to do in such situations And in our school our teachers give us the treasure of knowledge students of earth's surface will never know that is why we have to protect them from atacks, natural disasters etc.

Enough of talk Now let's continue .

I was sitting was sitting on a chair in the school campus ... when I suddenly see a most fatal thing I have seen in my life .....

The man having ability to shapeshift himself just brutally killed and an innocent boy of my age .... His mother was weeping and crying for her because she had just came pick him up from school and the boy went from neat and tidy clothes to a bloody death.

**** He was bruttaly killed like this****

First the shapeshifter changed into a clown and scared him then he just put his dagger in the boys right soldier and then he shifted into big scorpion and with his stings he caught the head of boy and crushed into Bl...lood he was bruttaly killed I saw this in front of my eyes.....but couldn't do anything. Now I was terribly angry....but then he said that his next target is mother of the boy who was crying, weeping for his dear son.I couldn't fight him right away my main concern was to take the mother to a safe place and tell her that I am not going to waste sacrifice of her son so I flied in full speed and took the mother outside of the school campus as all the other ran away from that area , in a safe place I said I shall take revenge of your son Madame .

She asked weeping and crying who are you .

I said I am The mightest and strongest girl alive and People Call me ' The One Punch Girl'.

The crying mother said please I also want to see the revenge of my son Kimmy.... plz.

Ok but you have to keep safe distance from the fight.

Ok she said and hided in cabin of the watchmen .

Sakura asks who sent you and why are you here killing people.

Shapeshifter replies The Demon King has ordered me to bring you dead or alive beacause King Dabura is going to put 198

people in Ponds of deadly scorpions.....

But how will you get 198 people they are already captured from us, UAE and Austria and they are tied in my spaceship and now it's your time get tied and put into ponds of deadly scorpions ....hahahahahahah....

You don't think it is quite impossible to beat me in a battle .....

I don't think so ...hahahahaha says demon.

First and foremost you killed an Innocent boy.

then your trying to kill more people you silly morron now I will defeat you and put you into

the pond of scorpions.says Sakura.

You small girl will throw me into Pond of deadly scorpions.... this is not going to happen ( amazed and in fear beacause of the girls self confidence ).hahahahahahah.

I am not afraid of you and I am not going to put you into the Pond of deadly scorpions King Dabura will Because after I defeat you King Dabura will himself give you this punishment.says Sakura

How do you know that....ahh..asks the demon

Sakura says; I know that because Earth's immortal mannegment system told me specifically about that punishment rule in Dabura's Kingdom.

anyway it's not going to happen ,says the demon.

We will see what happens Says the Mighty One Punch Girl'

' immense music plays in background '

With this intense ending This Chapter is being closed.

Could Sakura be eaten by scorpions? or she could Beat Shapeshifter to take revenge of the son of mother, and put the Shapeshifter to an brutal end?

**** Keep Reading 'The One Punch Girl'****

!!!!!!Preview Of the next chapter.!!!!!!!!

"In the next chapter there will be intense and

totally never watched fight before . Intense

new fight with new demon and introduction to the Beastworld and Their threatening king."

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