The Brutal Death In Pond Of Scorpions.....

In the previous chapter- The Evil Shape shifter

Bruttaly killed A boy named Kimmy. The Boy's mother took promise from one punch girl to be in safe place and watch The One Punch Girl To blow a punch of fatality on the evil shapeshifter. she took promise that she will defeat shapeshifter and put him into the Pond Pond of Deadly Scorpions and see from earth how he dies in terrifying fear and the intense fighting starts.

Synopsis Of This Chapter....

Who will die will in the Pond of Deadly Scorpions..... Will it be the Mighty One Punch Girl or it will be the Brutal Shape Shifter,

Let's find out....

◆ The Intense fight starts◆

The One Punch Girl just claps her hands facing him and then a furious wind blows shape shifter was getting pushed back heavily . He gets crushed on the wall. then he turns into a big black wolf . and attacks on The One Punch Girl' , instead of having fear Sakura has self confidence in her, she kicks and gives him chowk slam. Then the Shape shifter says I am not the one to die . The One Punch Girl' says. you killed bruttaly a innocent boy and now trying to kill more 198 people you deserve

to die you really deserve to die . Shut-up because now will be dead because I will do something terrifing Very very very much terrifing by which you will die it will make you tremble till the last moment And then kill you in the pond of scorpions says demon . Sakura replies we will see .

Then the Shape shifter changes into a big and amazing war tank which was fully covered with M249 named machine and bullets were going to be fired but The One Punch Girl' did not hesitate to move from there . Then shape shifter fired the bullets in order to kill The One Punch Girl' .

But the One Punch Girl' did not move till the last millisecond then suddenly she showed how much super Speed She had with the word - Super normal

speed and her agility was so fast that not one bullets touched her. The Shape shifter was angry and frustrated because she was dogging the bullets he says aren't you gonna face that. Ok I'll face next time she says. He says but now I'll try something else this time he becames a sharp shooter and say now I will kill you with awm.

And then he aims for The One Punch Girl's left eyeball at perfect point. the he shoots it .

( In slow motion for a better experience)

Then bullet slowly slowly was reaching her eye will her eye explode out or she will defeat shapeshifter, let's see ..... then the bullet rollingly was going to touch her eyes then was it the end of the Mighty One Punch Girl , No it wasn't the bullet touched the One Punch Girl's

it got destroyed in hundred pieces then the shape shifter got terrified and started running towards his spaceship then The One Punch Girl said Super weak and normal punches

with wind blowing and sound like shsshsh

and the shape Shifter got into two equal pieces and was a shape shifter thats why joined but couldn't stop bleeding he was crawling and asking for help then The One Punch Girl said you are now going to die in Pond of scorpions she kicked him into the spaceship and he ran away the mother thanked her and bid a crying goodbye...

◆◆ At King Dabura's pallace ◆◆

Dabura says why did you face defeat my dear .

shapeshifter says that girl is very strong stronger than anyonein this world .

Dabura says that's impossible I am the strongest warrior ever and you disappoint me now its time for the punishment little Moron.

Shape shifter says no sir plz don't do this no nooooooo..... he says as Dabura catches his head and puts him in the Pond of Deadly Scorpions ...

He shouts very badly . the scorpions are eating his flesh body literally a Brutal Death for a Brutal killer.

eheheheheheha don't... you will die for this ,Dabura ..ahaahha alas he dies a Brutal Death.

Dabura says- In my kingdom there is always punishment for my disappointment this will also be your faith if you do the same hyaa aaa....

◆ The end of chapter ◆

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◆ Thank You ◆

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