( At King Beastmorras's palace)
Beastmorras says now we have to capture Earth in order to expand our kingdom in Solar system is there anybody who will take responsibility of going to Earth and capturing it...
From the darkness comes a Malevollent(Evil) Creature (previous form of photo on cover) which says that I will go and expand your kingdom sir I can eat anyone with my sharp and dangerous teeths and will not let anyone intefere in your work.
King Beastmorras's says very good that's a strong Beast's spirit..... You go and your reward will be 300 humans that we have already captured and they are armless so there won't be an hesitation to you in eating them.....
Createure says Human's are so Tasty...
....Gotta Eat Them All....
**The Beast Reaches Earth**
One Punch Girl gets signal from Earths Immortal System and they order her to take immediate action. One punch Girl flies to Tokyo, where the Beast was attacking on people nearby he got a man he was trying to kill him and he successfully killed him by eating his head and brain he was crying with pain and was shouting for help but nobody was near him so he passed away by not receiving help from anyone then the beast slowly swallowed him and he licked his blood with tounge on his lips... and then slowly saw one punch girl and gave her a dangerous look she...he said Do you also want to be eaten by me.....You can't eat me you idiot...
.....it's impossible to defeat me and now you are going to die for coming to earth and making blood shed on our mother Earth....
You Don't know me....one punch girl asks why who are you..... he says I am.....
Bloodslayer....One of the best servants of King Beastmorras And now we are going to Dominate Earth and expand our kingdom in the solar system....Why don't you understand you can't defeat me. Bloodslayer says I will not eat you here I will take you to some place that is populated by many people and eat you in front of them so there. must be fear in their mind and they will be servents of King Beastmorras's soon. hahaha he said. One punch Girl says it's not gonna happen because I am Justice and I won't allow you to kill more people for your sake Bloodslayer, then she shows her power by breaking a big stone with just air from her fist .... The Bloodslayer was amazed and terrified by her immense power coming from The One Punch Girl's fist he says you have powers but I have beast mode which I will go in if you are a strong and worthy opponent, Till then I will fight with you in my normal mode . Then the one punch girl says okay then I will fight only in weak mode to defeat a evil guy like you.
|| The fight starts ||
The beast Attacks The One Punch Girl with his canon blast Attack which originated from mouth , The one punch girl gets hit on her leg and gets badly injured He says I told you don't mess with me I am the Beast as he says that the one punch girl's leg was paining badly she says I will take my revenge he asks do you want to mess with me again ? Till my last breath goes off I wil fight for mother earth she says. Do you want to fight me? he asks. She replies No I wanna kill you .
* With this intense scene we shall end today's chap*
|| In the next chap || - (Earth's immortal mannegment system has sent a guy who will help The One Punch Girl in defeating the Beast Bloodslayer in ultimate beast mode )
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