Invisibility Cape

On the next day, Lilia got ready to go to the palace again. Her determination was on full force as she knew, she had only three days left before she completely fails her mission. As she got on the carriage she momentarily lost her balance as something seemed to have pushed her.

"Ohhh, that was very close" Kiel with sweat on his forehead conversed with his system.

"I was waking you up but what did I expect, you seem to treat my voice as a tranquilizer all the more when you sleep!"

He cannot help sleeping in because it was the first time in both of his life to sleep in a very soft and comfortable couch, which admittedly was even more comfortable than his bed in both lifetimes. When he got up, he saw from Lilia's window that she was about to board the carriage that will bring them both to the palace so he ran with all the speed he can muster to beat Lilia to it. In the process he lightly smacked Lilia's body causing her to fall. Thankfully, her servants assisted her so any damage that could have been brought upon her was minimal.

As their carriage was drove out of the estate, he saw the pouch given by Alice hanging onto Lilia's waist. As if to distract herself from her own musing, she dislodged the pouch from her waist and started fiddling and observing it. Lilia's sitting posture was stiff as if she was getting ready for battle but as the ride went on she suddenly relaxed and he observed her sleeping form. The ride from the Count's estate to the palace was about one to two hours so he can't blame her for suddenly sleeping, Even he, himself felt like sleeping from the long ride. As Lilia slept, the hand holding the pouch also relaxed and it fell on the carriage's floor.

Following normal reflex, he picked it up and as he was about to return it to her, he hesitated and pulled back his hand. He quietly observed the pouch and hid it in his pocket. He was affected by drowsiness and also slept the ride away.

A bump in the rode awoke the two sleeping figures inside although only one is visible to the naked eyes. Lilia started massaging her eyes to will the sleep away, that was when she realized that the pouch she was suppose to be holding was nowhere in sight.

She thought she might have dropped it but saw nothing. She began to sweatdrop as it is the second time, she would lose her pouch in only two weeks. What unfortunate luck did she have two lose two pouch in a row!

Kiel saw her panicked state and felt guilty for what he did. He resisted the temptation of giving it back to her in consideration of the greater goal. So he just began apologizing to her in his mind.

Lilia felt annoyed and confused at what transpired inside as her driver informed her that they were approaching the palace. She thought that she will just apologize to Alice for losing the pouch, thinking nothing more of it. Anyway, she has a bigger problem to solve.