Silver Hair (1)

Lilia and Kiel got in the palace without any problem. Similar to Lilia's reaction when she first saw the inside of the palace, Kiel marveled at every detail. It was then that he thought how unlucky he was to be reborn as an ordinary character with an ordinary life when he could have been reborn as a royalty or even as a noble instead. He thought how unfair life is to him but immediately reverted to saying sorry to his parents in his mind for being an ungrateful child.

As usual, Lilia met up with Clouie and started having their lessons together. Kiel stood on the side observing Clouie. I see so the person she was with on that day was the princess Kiel thought. The androgynous face of the princess led Kiel to assume that Clouie was an undercover guard assigned to protect Lilia on the day he stumbled upon the two.

The lesson started for the two ladies and as his mission didn't really concern the two, he left them and he started strolling the palace for any sign of Prince Charles. He visited the area for swords training first as he assumed that since Charles was described as a great swordsman, he might be training his ass out there. When he finally got there, he saw many soldiers but no sign of a prince. He then found himself in the library, in the kitchen, he even went so far as to enter the servant's quarter but he saw no sign of Charles.

"Where could he be?"

"You don't have enough points to inquire of his whereabouts" 25 responded back.

"Oh, I'm not asking you… Wait, you mean I can also use points in order for you to do that?"

"Oh, I thought you were talking to me! You lured me! Hpmh, I will not be talking to you, anymore"

"Haha, come on, 25. You can't blame me for that"

Kiel was only met with silence as he went to the only place in the palace he still hasn't visited, which was the garden. Kiel advanced to the garden and was also astounded by the beautiful scenery that met his eyes.

In the middle of the garden, a silver-haired guy is resting with his sword placed near his knees. Kiel was quite excited thinking that he has finally found the prince. As he went closer, he was trying to make sense of that guy's face. He had silver hair similar to the princess, but what he can't make sense of was that the princess and this prince doesn't seem to look very similar to each other. He looked at the sword placed at the boy's side, it had the symbol of the royal family of Gwindel. Looking at the symbol, he grew more convinced that the person before him was the crown prince.

Seeing the sword and remembering the pouch he has with him. He realized that those two items could be the perfect link to lead Alice and Charles to each other. He began then to approach the silver-haired boy. To his horror, the boy opened his eyes and immediately unsheathed the sword waving it towards him. Thank goodness, he had amazing reflexes as he immediately kneeled down to dodge it.