Ki-Young a 19 year old was suddenly awake at 3:05 by his phone ringing. He answered it with a simple "Ki-Young speaking." He listened to the person talking and then suddenly woke up when he heard the words "You've been accepted."
He smiled and then continued saying "Thank you." When the call finally ended and smiled intensly and then stood up and ran to his Mothers room "Mom wake up! I've just got a call saying I've been accepted!" His mother slowly woke up and then smiled "Good job sweety! I told you not to stress, but doesn't that mean you have to go to South Korea?"
Ki-Young was full korean by mom and dad but he lived in America. He knew if He got accepted He would have to leave and he made sure he and his mother was ready. Their Father had died in a plane crash when he was eight which left just the two of them together. Before he applied he made sure his mom was going to be okay with him gone if it came to that. She has agreed but told him to give her daily updates by call.
Ki-Young left his Mothers room and then laid down. He had been in bed a smiling mess when he got a message saying he had a plane set for him and he would be leaving at 1:36 in the afternoon. He was also told they would have his stuff transported to the dorm he would be staying at. Ki-Young still couldn't believe he had gotten accepted and he couldn't see to go to sleep. After about an hour he had fallen asleep and was excited for the next day to come.
The next day had finally came and Ki-Young was ready. He woke up at 7 and packed the important things like his
toothbrush and other important things. He changed into a long sleeve blue button down and black skinny jeans. He normally never bothered with his hair but this time he made sure his hair was at least not everywhere. He went downstairs with his bag and then kissed his mom on the forehead "Bye mom. I will call you when I get the the airport. Make sure to stay healthy and take your medicine." After a he talked with his mom he walked out of his house and put on his sunglasses.
He walked to the nearby cafe that was normally his daily routine. When he got in He sat down at his usual window seat and then looked at the menu. When the waiter came he ordered Apple juice and a banana nut muffin. He then looked out the window and smiled before taking a picture of the outside. He posed it saying "Goodbye America. See you when I come back. If I come back." He then posted it and put his phone down and waited.
He got his food and then slowly started eating the muffin while drinking his juice. He never really ate much since he would lose his hunger really fast. He wastwo bites in to the muffin and was already full. He got up and payed for his drink and muffin. He then went back to his seat and started to clean up the mess he made. He throw away his muffin and left his cup on the table. He then left and started to head to the airport. He walked since he always though he needed the exercise. He got there at 12:54 and then started to get though everything. When he got through security he walked to where his plane would be.
He sat down and then he looked at his ticket. He saw he was first-class and was a bit suprised. He had not paid anything for the ticket and first class was something he did not suspect. They started to call for people. When they got first class Ki-Young got up and started to get in line to have his ticket checked. He looked at his ticket again seeing it was going stright there he knew it would be the longest 15 hours of his life. He got on the plane and sat at his seat. He was sitting next to a little kid and he smiled when the kid looked at him. The kid looked at the man next to him which was probably his dad or brother. He said something to the male and he looked at Ki-Young. The male then looked at the kid and touched his hair. The little boy then started to play on his tablet. Ki-Young was suddenly reminded of when he was little. His dad had taken him on a trip to go to New York.
He was about 5 and he was the same as the kid next to him. He sniffled getting memories of his dad and he whipped his tears slightly. The little boy looked at him and then lightly huged his arm "Mister don't cry. Its okay." The little boy then giggled and showed his his tablet "You wanna watch something with me?" Ki-Young laughed slightly and then nodded. He put the tablet down and started to put in a movie. They both watched it while the plane went off. The lady walked by asking if people wanted anything. The kids dad ordered something for him self then looked at his kid and got him a snake and a soda. Ki-Young ordered crackers with meat and cheese. He then got a soda and then started to watch the move again.
The little boy ate his snack then looked at the male still being hungry. He then sighed and went back to watching the movie drinking his soda. The male was given his food and Ki-Young got his. He set it down on the table in front of him "If you want some you can get some. I got it for you." The little boy grabbed some and ate it "Thank you mister." He leaned his head on Ki-Young's arm and slowly started to fall asleep.
Ki-Young had finished his food and then held the little boy as he slowly fell asleep as well. Boy was the plane ride the best he had ever had. He stayed holding the boy and the boy hugged Ki-Young'a arm.
To be continued
I'm sorry this took so long. I ended up falling asleep last night. But now I finished it and I will start the scond part now. Thank you for reading, and remember
You nice,
Keep going
Word count: 1097