It all starts today

Ki-Young woke up to the sound of a person speaking. He looked around and remembered he was on a plane. The little boy, who was now in another movie looked at Ki-Young and then giggled "Your finally awake. I'm watching another movie. We should be landing in an hour. They are coming around again for food. Wanna share a snack?" He nodded slowly and rubbed his eyes before he started watching the movie. When they got to them they both got a soda and a cookie. Ki-Young laughed slightly as he watched the little boy happily eat his cookie. Ki-Young wanted the kid to stay how he was and wanted him happy his whole life.

After the hour went by and the plane landed the little boy and Ki-Young said there goodbyes and then the both when there seprate ways. He pulled up the map on his phone and started to look up the school to find where to go. He stepped out of the building and then smiled and started walking to where his dorm was. It was now 5:00 PM and he had to get to his dorm before he could eat anything. He walked for about 25 minutes before finally seeing the dorms He walked into them and then started walking to the dorm number he was given.

After getting there he slowly opened the door. He was told he would be sharing a dorm with two people. He walked inside and saw the lights turned off. He closed the door and sighed before turning on the lights "Suprise!" He jumped up and saw two other males in the room holding up a small cake and champagne. He smiled and then looked at the two of them "Hello I'm Ki-Young." He bowed slightly and then they both laughed "Don't be so polite. I'm Nam-gi." said a taller male with brown hair "And I'm Kyu-chul." Said the other male who was the same height but have purplish hair.

"Come on come sit down and put your stuff down. We wanted to celebrate with you. Its not everyday that someone gets accepted." Nam-gi said and then pulled Ki-Young to the table and sat him doen and put his bag in his bed "We have everything ready in your bed. We made a white cake. We aren't sure if it is your favorite though." Kyu-chul said while cutting the cake Ki-Young laughed "It is my favorite and thank you so much. Y'all are so welcoming." He said getting comfortable with being there already. He was excited for the new school just by this.

"We where going to take you out to eat then eat the cake. But we wanted cake first then go out to eat. So this is first." The three of them started eating the cake and talking to get to know each other more. After they finished their slices of cake they stood up and started to get ready. "Lets get going now. I think they are waiting." Ki-Young looked at then a bit suprised "They? Who is they?" They both chuckled before Nam-gi said "The teachers. They always have a dinner with any new student." He sighed in relief and then stood up and fixed his hair.

Teachers where great. They where never going to be mean teachers well... unless you where bad but they only do it because they care. Students on the other hand don't care how they are to you unless you fit in with them. If you don't fit in they will be heartless and rude. Ki-Young trusted them already which was a big problem He had. He had trust issues but backwards. He trusted people to easily and he felt that they where his friends.

Good thing was they where his real friends. They wanted to be his friends so bad. Anyway back to the story. They had finally got to the restraunt and they had now learned so much about each other. They walked in and Ki-Young looked at all the teachers and then suddenly felt nervous. He knew going to a dance school was not always just dance class. It had classes about dance too. He looked at the two males and then walked with them to the table with the tachers. They all looked at him and smiled "Welcome." They all said at the same time. He bowed and then introduced himself to them. The three of them sat down at the table and then they all ordered there food. Ki-Young sat next to Kim-gi and a teacher. He looked at the teacher and was in awe.

"Congrats on making it. I look forward to seeing your skills." Ki-Young stayed quiet his mouth opened slightly before he blushed and nodded, bowing slightly "T-Thank you." was all he could get out. The teacher chuckled and said "I'm Park Jimin.Your dance instructor" He said and then ran a hand through his hair. Ki-Young nodded and then slowly got back to reality. Jimin was breath taking. His looks were something that could take anyone away, He had brown hair and his lips where do plump. Ki-Young then smiled and nodded "Its nice to mean you Mr.Park." He talked with him the rest of the time They where there, if you did know by now Ki-Young is gay. He could stop thinking about anything the rest of the night exept for Jimin. He knew it probably wouldn't work out. A student with a teacher is not allowed and would probably lose Jimin's job.

After everything has ended Ki-Young, Nam-gi and Kyu-chul walked back to their dorm. They talked about how classes would be and all that stuff. He seemed to fit in great with them and he was so excited. He looked at the time noticing it was already late. They got to the dorm and Kim-gi and Kyu-chul both went to sleep. Ki-Young took a shower and then did his skin care routine. When he finished he went to his bed and then laid down. He texted his mom knowing it was morning there.

'Hey Mom. Its going great so far. Everone I've met so far are so sweet and kind. I would call you but they are asleep. That is for now I should go to sleep. Good night I love you.' - Ki-Young

He then turned his phone off and fell asleep.


To be continued


I'm sorry this took so long to come out. I had a lot of distributions. But now it's out! I hope y'all enjoy. I probably gonna go to sleep now. I'll try to update again tomorrow. My schedule will probably be two updates a day. If that doesn't happen then maybe one a day.


You nice,

Keep going


Word count: 1130