Still the same

The next day came and Ki-Young was woken up by Kyu-chul and Kim-gi laughing and playing around. He sat up and smiled before stretching. He was still tired and he knew it would take time for him to get used to the time change but he was just happy to be there. He stood up and walked to the restroom and did his face routine before he changed into his outfit.

He was wearing a thin pink crop top and black ripped skinny jeans. He then ran a hand through his hair a couple of times before he walked out of the restroom. He looked at the two males and they where sitting at the table with food on it. They all started eating and of course Ki-Young was full first so he decided to text his mom

'Hey mom it me again. I'm eating breakfast right now and I'm about to go to school. I'll text you when I get back home.' -Ki-Young

He then talked with the two while he waited for them to finish. After about 15 more minutes they started walking to the campus. They got there an Ki-Young looked in awe, The school was even better then he through. Kim-gi chuckled and pulled him inside "Now. When you get inside try to look like you know you are the best but don't show it." Kyu-chul said and Kim-gi continued "If you act like you know it all people will ignore you but if you act like you know nothing they will say you should be here."

Ki-Young nodded the whole time and followed them. They continued talking as Ki-Young tried to ignore all the state's he got. He started to feel slightly unwanted but just did as he was told by the two. When he finally got to his class he sighed in relief knowing his best friends where in that class. He was still very tired but didn't want to make a bad impression on his first day so he forced himself to stay awake. The teacher came in when the bell had finally rung. He had been kinda awake because of how cold it was in the classroom. It felt like maybe 58°F maybe but everone seemed like they where used to it so he just had to stay quiet and deal with it.

The class went by quickly, it felt like maybe 20 minutes but it had been a hour. "So how was your first class?" Kyu-chul asked while putting his head down on the desk. "It was cold but it went by fast." He said back and then yawned "Good thing is break time now for and hour." Kim-gi said and chuckled "Looks like you need it." Ki-Young giggled and then slowly laid his head down and fell asleep. His sleeping schedule was for sure messed up now.

After his hour nap he woke up still sleepy but looked like he wasn't. This time during class he couldn't help but think about Jimin again. He shock his head and then continued to listen I'm clsss, or try to. Him being so sleepy dodnt help stop his mind from wondering to thinking of Jimin again. He knew he shouldn't and Jimin probably didn't even feel that same way to him. He probably has someone already just by his looks. But his looks were not the only thing that make his so special. His voice and personality was what got Ki-Young. He had never met anyone like that. He he knew it sounded cheesy but he knew it was probably love at first sight, maybe only one way though and he would never know.

If he were to ever tell him it would have to be after he fit out of university and that's to long to wait. Ki-Young sighed and then ran a hand through his hair and covered his face. He then continued to focus on class and just couldn't wait for dance class anymore. He tapped his foot waiting for the teacher to dismiss class, but this time it took so much longer. It felt like 3 hours, It finally ended and then the three males stood up after everyone left "Is it time for dance now?!?" Ki-Young asked and smiled "Yep it is. I didn't know you would be this excited for dance." Kim-gi said and chuckled "I just love dance so much." He said and then moved his hair out of his eyes.They got to the class and Ki-Young was taken away again. It was just like yesterday. Everything was still the same about him.

His beautiful voice and just everything. He was watching a student dance. When the student finished he gave tips on how to make it better like making it flowie at a certain part so it put more emotion into it. The student left and then the new class came in. Jimin looked at Ki-Young and then walked to him and smiled. Ki-Young blushed and then tried not to make it look like he was staring at him. "We have been working on solos, duets, and groups. We will be working on this for this moth and next month. Which one will you be in?" He asked and looked at his paper and clipboard. "Um solo?" Jimin wrote it down and smiled "If you need help I stay late and have lessons on helping to think of dance moves. Now what song?"

"Umm maybe 'Idontwannabeyouanymore' by Billie Eilish." He said and then ran a hand through his hair "Okay. Do your best and I look forward to it." Jimin said and winked slightly before walking away and watching some other groups and solos. Ki-Young blushed and then walked to a small spot and started stretching before listening to the song and thinking of some moves. He had decided to do it more like a ballet type. He slowly started moving doing ballet moves. He felt a bit uncomfortable and looked around noticing that Jimin was watching him. He blushed and then cover his face and looked away.


To be continued


I'm sorry this took so long I was trying to write it last night but I fell asleep worth only 300 words so I had to write now. I might not post another one today because I am going to the pool!


You nice,

Keep going


Word count :1066