Chapter 1: Noah

'I ran as fast as I could through the dark forest as the large creature stomped behind me, almost tripping me off balance. His large claw like hand grabbed me by my stomach turning me forward him and I knew this was my end'

I stopped myself from yelling out as I shot out of bed. I sighed and looked at the time, it was almost one thirty I had overslept. I got out of bed and shoved Jean's and a shirt on while brushing my long dark brown hair. I grabbed what things I needed and escaped out of the house before my brother or father could figure out i left. I hopped out my bedroom window and ran down the sidewalk with my backpack. I stopped half way down the street as a panic attack began to emerge. All these questions flooded through my head all at once, what if he finds out I'm gone? what if he comes and somehow finds me? as I contemplated all this in the middle of the sidewalk at night I was suddenly slammed with a force that knocked me off my feet. A large German Sheppard sat ontop of me licking my face.

"Max what are you doing?! get off of her" some guy yelled down the street running up and pulling his so called dog max off of me. He had a hood over his head so in the dark so I wasn't able to see the features of his face, if I had seen him running after me I would have ran but something compelled me to stay, he sounded only a few years older than me if even. "I'm so sorry about that are you hurt?!" he asked with power in his voice hauling me up onto my feet. I froze as he touched me, I was not used to being touched by anyone let alone a stranger. I shook my head trying not to cringe at the pain." Yeah I'm fine" I brushed it off not sure what to do the only people I've known in my life for years was my father and brother. "No your not, come on and I'll take a look", I followed him as he began back down the street from where we came. "What about max?" I asked looking at the dog. Cool and calmly he answered "He will follow". I silently followed down the street holding my arm as Max trailed behind us. He stopped two houses down from mine, it was a large two story modern brick house. He punched in a number and the garage door opened revealing an empty garage with some storage supplies, boxes, and a small black polished Lexus. We walked in to the garage door and down a small hallway there was a large living modern living room and a kitchen with a dining room. Next to that their was stairs leading upward to the rooms. He led me upstairs and into the furthest bathroom. He pulled a cleaning kit out from underneath the sink, once in the light I was able to finally see his facial features. He had long black hair that came down to his ears and stuck to his face, he wore glasses and through those I could see his silver grey eyes. He had a green poncho on and blue jeans, and he was clearly fit. I looked away before I was caught staring at him.

I sat down onto the toilet waiting for him to come and inspect my arm. "He grabbed my right arm and looked at it as large scratches went down my arm bleeding a little. His face paled a bit as he saw the damage, "God I'm so sorry I can't believe max did this, my name is Noah by the way. I haven't seen you around here did you just move in?" He asked as he dabbed at my arm cleaning the blood up. I replied quietly not sure how much I should spill out. "My name is Riley and yeah a few weeks ago, with my brother and father" my voice faltered at the end. He noticed this and kept cleaning and bandaging up my arm he didn't dare to ask like he already knew. "Riley are they the reason you were running away so late at night?" I didn't answer I wasn't running away, was I?

"Well how about this I will go make some hot chocolate and if you are then you have to tell me why your out so late, but if your not here by the time I get back then I understand." He said and walked away before I could protest, I thought about it and decided I would take my chances here than back at home. I walked to a bedroom that was light blue and had a small dresser and nothing else. I sat on the edge of the bed waiting, when he came back and saw me still there he smiled at this, and it warmed me up inside as I blushed and smiled "I see you didn't leave". He replied sitting next to me and drinking his hot chocolate handing my cup. "I hope I'm not imposing" I said quietly sipping on my hot chocolate."no it's not a problem you can take my bed tonight,". He fiddled his thumbs against the cup, "so why where you out so late at night?". I sighed and answered him quietly, "my father and brother is complicated, they never want me out of the house ever, I don't know I needed to get out it seemed like a good idea at the time". He looked at me somberly, "and where would you have gone?" he asked, "there's an empty house I was going to stay there I guess". He chuckled, "riley your an idiot" I reeled my head back at this sudden insult but he grabbed my chin gently and looked into my eyes so sincerely I couldn't look away. "One there could have been someone else there, two something would have happened to you, and three if that happened I would have never met you. I blushed hard and he did as well, "get dressed into pajamas you have clothes right?" I nodded and he walked out leaving me to the room. As I finished changing I heard someone pound on his door, confused I came downstairs to peek at whoever was here so late at night. Noah went to the door and opened it revealing my drunk father standing in the doorway fuming like I have never seen him before. I panicked and stepped back clutching my chest and throat, that's it were going to die.

I panicked and hid behind the staircase wall, my father's voice boomed and it shook me to my core and my knees almost gave out on me. "Do you know where my daughter is?! I'm going to fucking beat her!". I almost cried worried for Noah, I almost stepped up to confront him when Noah spoke with such power and force it made me stay where I was. "Sir I dont know what your talking about but your drunk and she's not here whoever she is. Now leave before I call the cops". The anger in Noah's voice shook me harder than my father's as the threat lingered from his voice. "Fine whatever" my father grumbled and the door shut. We waited and heard him going over to the next house to try to do the same thing to the neighbors. Noah ran over to me on the stairs and grabbed me as my knees finally gave out from the stress. "Was that your father?" he asked me gently holding me up. I wanted to answer him but all I could do is nod. He pressed his lips together and thought deeply for so long I thought he forgot. "Well that's okay let's go to bed we can talk in the morning okay? your not going back there tonight". I wanted to protest but I had no energy left in me. He held my arm and helped me upstairs to his room. I layed down in his bed as he threw the covers over me and the last thing I saw was him pulling out a cot and sleeping on the floor beside me.