Chapter 2 : Liam

The sun quickly approached but I wasnt able to get out of bed just yet. Suddenly the air shifted and I smelled lavender, then a body slammed ontop of me. "Still in bed noah?! Come on get up already" I wasnt able to answer as he crushed me. "Come on the world is spinning without you!" he sought out my wrists and pinned me underneath the covers, "Liam" Noah replied from the doorway. The covers were yanked off of me and I found myself staring right into his bright blue eyes. He had short black curly hair and he stood tall and fit like Noah, his eyes burned right through me with curiosity.

Liam hopped off of me and turned to Noah. "Wait what is she doing in your bed-?" Noah cut him off. "I'll tell you later let riley get dressed for now". He grabbed Liam's arm and towed out of the room with Liam on his heels shutting the door. Confused I stood up and got dressed heading down stairs in a black shirt and skirt with my hair in a pony tail. They were sitting down eating breakfast in the kitchen. Noah stood up turning to me, "Riley would you like to eat?". I went to say no but my stomach grumbled betraying me. He chuckled motioning to the chair beside liam, "I'll fix you up a plate" Noah replied walking off. I avoided Liam's curious stares as Noah brought me a plate full of eggs, sausage and bacon. To be respectful I ate everything on my plate and walked and rinsed my dishes off. "So we were going to head to the mall would you like to come?" Liam asked me cleaning his plate as well. I took a minute and thought about this, my father is furious at me I'll have to go back at some point.

"Riley are you worried about your father?" Noah asked and I nodded my head and he sighed. "Its okay I'll just show up and grab some stuff so he can see me for a second and I'll leave again." I said wanting to not be locked up in that house. Liam and Noah looked at each other silently having an entire conversation before answering me, "Yeah I'll drive where is your house?" Noah asked grabbing his car keys. I headed outside with Noah and liam showing them my house down the road. Noah drove and parked just away from the house. "Will you be okay?" Noah asked me concerned. "Yeah its nothing I haven't delt with before." Noah's and Liam's face both paled at the thought of what I'm used to my father doing. I slipped out of the car before anyone else could say anything and ran quietly slipping into my house. I tip toed to my room and quietly snuck inside shutting the door. It was the same as I had left it, confused I grabbed what things I needed and made my bed. I stepped out of the house when my brother came out of the room glaring at me.

"Where the fuck have you been riley?!?!" he boomed at me so loud the house shook. "I KNOW YOU LEFT LAST NIGHT! He took it out on me bitch!" he snarled getting closer to me. I backed away, "Look I'm sorry Aaron I just went on a walk I couldn't sleep!" I raised my voice more than I ment to. His hand came around and he slapped me, leaving my cheek stinging from the pain. "Leave and dont come back until later or I'll fucking kill you!" he warned as I ran to the door and out of the house to the car. Liam and Noah were standing outside the car concerned ready to come in. Noah and liam both changed their demeanor when they saw my face. Noah carefully put his hand on my cheek where my brother had hit me. "Did he...did he fucking hit you?" the anger in his voice rose. "It was my older brother" I began quietly, "when my dad found out I left he took it out on him so this is my punishment" I said quietly. Liam's fists clenched as he started to my house "He cant hit his fucking sister! I'm going to kill him!" he yelled as Noah grabbed him stopping him. "Its okay guys let's just go to the mall okay?" I asked politely not wanting my brother to come out or my father come home and see me. "Yeah come on were meeting up with victor, gabriel, and Andrew." He walked and got in the drivers seat and I sat in the front passenger seat as liam got in the back. It was a silent drive to the mall and I felt bad for springing this on guys I barely even knew.

We had arrived at the mall and I stopped myself from gasping at how large it was. Truthfully I had never been in a mall before let alone anywhere outside of my house or school. Noah saw this and looked amused as the three of us walked up to the mall. Three tall guys all our age stood talking amongst themselves, one had bright red hair and wore all dark clothing like myself, the second one had semi long blonde hair and wore a white tank top and blue Jean's. The third guy had short light brown eyes and hair and he wore a light blue shirt and black jeans. They turned torward us and walked up to us greeting Noah and Liam.

"Guys this is riley, riley this is victor", Liam pointed to the red haired guy with fiery green eyes and dark clothes, "gabriel" he pointed to the blonde guy with dark blue eyes in the white tank top, "and that's Andrew" who had dark brown chocolate eyes in the light blue shirt. "Hi" I politely greeted them. Gabriel walked up and grabbed my hand. "Oy so your the trouble maker, we gotta get better clothes on you!" he started walking off in tow to the clothing stores. Confused at this name I looked back at the other guys for help and they just grinned amused not suprised at gabriel like he does this all the time. They slowly followed us as we walked into one store and Gabriel started picking out clothes. For hours he dragged me around and picked out clothes for me as we talked about different things getting to know everyone. "Gabriel I cant afford any of this" I whined wanting to stop. He grunted and called victor "oy victor!". He walked up to us, "here dont worry about it" he handed gabriel a black credit card. Gabriel smiled at me waving it in my face and went back to finding clothes. I sighed and my stomach grumbled and victor caught on to this. "Hungry? Gabriel hurry up we got to feed her! we cant be here all day I want to do other shit with her" he said and I blushed hard. "Fuck fine were coming back after, put these on trouble". He handed me a pile of clothes and I went to the changing room.