Chapter 5: North

We arrived in front of a two story beautiful brick house, inside was a beautiful modern design he grabbed my bag and motioned to the soft grey couch and i sat down unsure what to do. He came back with a few games and movies, "Would you like to watch something?" he asked and I nodded. He popped in a comedy movie and sat next to me on the couch. For a while we sat like that watching the movie, laughing and talking. "I can't believe that was your first time at the mall you should have said something!" he said laughing over the movie. I blushed but laughed back with him enjoying my time. My eyes began to hurt and I closed them, passing out on the couch next to North, at some point I felt him picking me up and carrying me upstairs to a room I assumed was his. He put me down onto the bed and I heard him putting together a makeshift bed on the floor and I was back asleep.

'I ran hearing my father run after me screaming my name I panicked running as fast as I could, suddenly I collided into a body stopping me in my tracks. My brother stood in front of me and before I could scream he was grabbing me and holding me down. My father stepped into view and I grinned evilly along with my brother, my father brought out a carving knife trailing it down my throat and body. "Dad please don't" I choked out yet he didn't listen as my brother covered my mouth so I couldn't scream. I watched him bring the knife down on me, this is it this is the end-'

"Riley! wake up!" I heard someone shout and it shook me out of the dream and instantly I shot out of bed staring North right into his eyes. My heart pounded in my chest and before I knew it hot tears rolled down my eyes, "Oh honey don't cry come here" he said comfortingly bringing me into a hug. I hugged him back shaking like a leaf, he shushed me and laid down on the bed bringing me with him. "Its okay baby he wont get you I'm here to protect you" he said after I relayed the whole dream to him. North rubbed my head and back soothingly, after a while I finally fell back asleep inside his arms.

Norths P.O.V

I held Riley as she fell back asleep, what's wrong with me I barely know this girl and yet I'm here holding her as she sleeps. I got a text from almost everyone asking how she is, I sent a text back to everyone letting them know she's back asleep and okay. She seemed a lot calmer and it didn't look like she was having any bad dreams. Once I knew she was good sleeping I fell asleep as well with my arm wrapped tightly around her and fell into a deep sleep.

Riley's P.O.V

I woke up at some point in the morning with North's arms wrapped around me tightly, I turned and looked over at him he was asleep peacefully with a small smile. I smiled not wanting to move but wanting to clean up, carefully I slipped out and walked to the bathroom. I thought about taking a shower and debated, truthfully I was scared but thats stupid im not afraid of a shower. I turned it on and got undressed braving it and stepping inside, the water hit my face and suddenly images of my brother and father beating me came into view. I was frozen in fear and started getting dizzy, I attempted to hold myself up and get out when I felt myself falling, I thought i called out for north but then it went black. I woke up to hearing North calling my name from far away shaking me, "Riley baby please" his voice cracked shaking me again. I finally opened my eyes and hazily looked around seeing i was still in the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me. "Are you okay?! what happened oh don't cry" he pulled me into a hug. "I'm so stupid..the shower I can't do it" I sobbed into his shoulder. He held me tighter "Its okay you can take baths for now alright? lets get you dressed do you need help?" he asked looking at me concerned. I shook my head as he helped me up to stand, I walked back to the bedroom and he gave me some privacy to change.

I opened the door back up and looked at him silently, he came to me and held me again looking into my eyes. " scared me i thought you were gone" he said on the verge of tears, my heart sunk seeing how much he cared. "Im okay I promise north" I said trying to calm him down, tension grew and I saw him pull me in for a big hug. We sat there for what seemed like hours as we hugged tightly I needed this badly and so did he. Suddenly his phone rang and he ignored it at first letting it go to voicemail, until it rang again. He pulled away from me and sighed picking up his phone and barking into it, "what?! yeah? okay be there soon" we gotta go baby come on we can finish this later" he grabbed my hand and we walked to the car to see whatever awaited me this time.

He drove for a while until he stopped and parked in front of my house and my heart skipped a beat, what are we doing here? He must of saw my look because he put a hand on my leg soothingly, "its okay they are both gone for a while, we need to talk and we are just finishing helping set up your house okay?" I nodded and got out of the car, he put his arm around my shoulder as we walked inside my house. Nothing had changed except for the fact that Gabriel and victor was on my couch. "Trouble! come on were doing your hair" he pulled me away from North and to my bathroom leaving north behind.