Chapter 6: Deeper

I sat inside the chair Gabriel had set against the cabinet in front of the sink. He got the water running to a good temperature and had me sit down and started on my hair. "So what school are you going to?" He asked making small talk as he rinsed my hair and started working in the shampoo. "I'm going to Greenville high" I replied as he worked on my hair.

"Really? all of us are in a private academic extension plan we will be going there to!" I smiled at that I'll have friends to hang out with at school finally!. "Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked me rinsing out my hair again. I blushed and shook my head, "Never had one" I said chuckling. He didn't say anything at that and he turned the sink off and wrapped my hair in a towel. I sat up and he began to blow dry my hair until it was fully dry. He then brushed it out and had me stand up turning torward him. "There that really brings out your highlights trouble" he said proudly. I looked at myself in the mirror and I almost didn't recognize myself."Let's go see everyone else" he grabbed my hand and led me to my room. Mr. O'connor, Victor, and Noah was standing in my room making sure the cameras worked throughout the house. They stopped talking as I walked in the room, "if its private I can go..?" I offered and Noah came to me shaking his head, "not at all dont worry about it" he said giving me a hug and pulling me into my room. "Well were all set here" Mr.O'connor grumbled walking out of the room. Confused I looked over at Noah but he shook his head "I gotta go I'll text you okay?" Victor said pulling me into a hug and left my house. I looked around and I realized it was just me and Noah, he sat on my bed and I sat next to him. After the few minutes of silence I couldn't handle it, I found myself erratically apologizing for everything. He put his finger to my lips shushing me. "Don't apologize this was never your fault riley. I really like you I want to help, we want to help" he said putting his hand on my leg. "Look you need to know we are a team, that's apart of a very secret academy, but for now we can't tell you much more ill try to answer what questions you have though". Gabriel told me sitting on my bed motioning for me to sit next to him, I sat next to him and I thought about it for a minute, "So is Dr.Adler, Noah, and Mr. O'Connor in charge then they make the orders?" I asked and he nodded his head, "were apart of what's what called the academy, I'm not sure how much I can tell you but we were sent to the school to investigate the principle, that's why some times we have to leave were on a mission investigating". He looked deeply into my eyes as I looked down feeling guilty that they were going through that and dealing with me. He put his hand on my leg making my stomach do flips and interrupting my thoughts. "I have known Noah and them for 6 years, and he has never been more infatuated with someone in his life. He always follows the rules and never breaks them, we have known you for not even a whole week and were all crazy about you" he said looking into my eyes so deeply it made my heart skip a beat.

Before this could continue we heard a car door shut and we stopped immediately I silently asked him if anyone else was supposed to be home and he shook his head. I heard the door shut and the stomping of my fathers feet. I pushed Noah into my closet and closed the door casually turning on my radio and sitting on my bed. He was super drunk when he did that so I doubt he will remember, my door opened and there stood my brother instead beat up and exhausted. I stood up and turned my radio off looking at him worried, "Aaron are you okay?! what happened?" I went to touch his bruised up face but he backed away from me, something was seriously wrong. "Riley, you need to leave right now" he said with such fear in his voice I didn't even recognize my own brother. "Aaron what happened?!" I asked a little louder and he didn't answer me, "Aaron!" I yelled and he finally spoke. "I don't know what happened to dad he's on something and if you don't go now you won't make it through it this time".

I scoffed at him what now he cares when im going to die? "Aaron now you care? He tied me up in the shower and left me to die NOW you care?! No unlike you I'm not leaving my brother I WON'T let him kill you too!" This clearly shocked him as he reeled his head back like I hit him but he shook his head, "leave now I'll keep an eye out and distract him I'll tell him you stayed at a girlfriends house". He then shut the door before I could say another word. Noah burst out of the closet and looked at me, "Lets go!" he ushered me out of my window but I refused. "No I won't let my brother die here!" I refused pulling away from him, he looked into my eyes and whispered to me "Look we will get your brother out of here but I need you safe first okay?" I nodded trusting him and went to go out the window stuffing my phone inside my bra. "Victor will be waiting for you outside okay?" I nodded and we hugged before I snuck out the window. I walked out of my backyard and saw victor waiting for me beside his small red car, I ran to him and we hugged before getting in the car, "are you okay?" he asked before starting the car "Yeah im just worried about my brother and Noah" he looked at me with his intense green eyes. "They will be okay I promise, hey! lets have a spa day!" and like that we were off.

I continued to constantly check my phone for updates but there was none, I was so hopeless and confused what was going on? shortly we arrived in front of the spa. Soon I found myself undressing and getting the best massage I never have gotten before in my entire life, I was like putty I almost fell asleep until victor shook me. "Lets go princess want your hair and nails done" he left me to get dressed. I changed back into my clothing and and went to meet back up with victor, we then went to get my hair and nails done when I remembered Gabriel had just done it. I told him and he chuckled, "he doesn't claim your hair don't worry about it". I tried to shake it off and let the guy do my hair, "Gabriel did this right?" the guy doing my hair asked me and I nodded the best I could while he did my hair. He chuckled, "he won't be happy then" he laughed as he finished I scoffed and looked at victor who began laughing as the lady was doing his. "Victor Gabriel is never letting me out of this!" yet he couldn't answer through his laughing. I bit back a smile and walked out with him once we were both done.

"Hey look I'll take the blame for that okay?" he said grinning as we got inside the car, he drove us to his house and I gasped once I saw it. His house looked like a giant mansion, he pulled inside the gates and parked his car out front. We got out and I couldn't help but show my suprise on how big his house was. He laughed rubbing my back, "guess I should have warned you first, my parents are beyond rich its 3 stories." I couldn't answer him as we walked into the giant house, a maid walked up to us, "can I help you with anything?" she asked victor. "No-wait do you want anything?" I nodded suddenly hungry. "Bring us some food and drinks will you?" he asked and she ran off. "Follow me" he said leading me up the stairs to a big room, we sat on the big bed and he turned the t.v on. He checked his phone, then looked at me I waved him away "make whatever calls you need ill be fine". He smiled apologetically and left the room, I watched whatever was on the television until the maid brought me food and drinks. I ate what I could and suddenly I found myself sleeping on his bed.