Chapter 7: School and Secrets

I woke up wrapped up tightly in someones arms as the sun shined brightly through the curtians that were supposed to cover the windows. As if on cue my alarm for my first day of school went off, I shut the alarm off quickly before whoever was beside me woke up. I turned and looked over to see victor asleep, he looked so peaceful sleeping and holding me with that small smile slightly curved at his lips. Suddenly then I realized he wasn't sleeping without his shirt and I started to drink in his defined muscular abs. I tried to stop myself from touching him but I couldn't, I trailed my hand down his chest and his eyes shot awake, the fire in his eyes ignited and he may have well stared through my soul. I summoned up the courage to say something, anything since I was caught touching him in his sleep, "good morning" I said stupidly. Although all he did was give me that dashing smile that made my insides do more flips. "I guess its time for school?" he asked sitting up bringing me with him. Between his messy hair, the fire in his eyes, and his abs I couldn't take it anymore, as my insides grew hot. I will uh go change" I said and shot up avoiding his gaze and chest grabbing what clothes I had. I glanced back as I left the room and he stared at me confusingly on my way to the bathroom.

I thought about what classes I would have with them as I shoved on my new red frilly blouse that just barely covered my stomach, and my black faded skinny jeans. I brushed my hair and wrapped it up in a pony tail, when I came out of the bathroom and victor was gone I listened and heard most of the guys voices from downstairs. I headed down and they continued their conversation, "So guys I made a list of who has classes with who". Noah said pointing to the notebook, Gabriel, victor, Liam, Adam, North and I crowded around to see.

- Homeroom 135

Gabriel, Noah

- English 100

Victor, North

- Music 140

No one

- Science 95

Liam, Adam



- Algebra

North, Adam

- Japanese


- Gym

Gabriel, Liam

As we all figured out our schedules we quickly ran and waited at the bus stop, we all piled in and Noah sat next to me as the rest took their seats across from us. The bus ride was long and awfully quiet and the silence drove me crazy, Noah must have seen this because I felt him put his hand on my left leg. I smiled and we had a moment before Gabriel cut us off, "oy! trouble give me your hair tie" he said motioning his hand for me to fork it over. "Meanie no I need it!" I whined and pouted my lip, "No stick that lip back in that mouth missy hand it over" he was refusing to let this go. Remembering I had an extra hair clip and tie in my bag I reluctantly handed it over and he sat back thinking he won. Biting back a smile I went through my backpack looking for it, Noah stared curiously and watched wondering what I was up to, I glanced at him and silently asked him to be quiet as I pulled my hair tie out, leaving the clip as a last resort. I looked over at Gabriel and my hair tie had disappeared inside his pocked at he tapped away at his phone distracted. I looked back at Noah and he also was biting back a smile trying not to laugh, without getting Gabriel's attention I quickly pulled my hair into a pony tail waiting for him to notice.

Throughout the bus ride he didn't notice and it was so hard to keep my face straight, the others didn't notice this other than Noah. Once the bus pulled to a stop I made sure to walk in front of Gabriel as we excited the bus, I got off as he finally said something. "Fuck trouble I said put that damn hair down!" he yelled coming after me. I squealed and ran the other way as he booked it to me, quickly thinking I thought of the one person who could help me. "NORTH!" I yelled and he stopped cold, narrowing his eyes at me "you fucking didn't". Before I could make a retort North sprinted into view and threw me over his shoulder running the other way, "HEY! give me my trouble back!" he yelled sprinting after us. I laughed as I was hanging upside down from Norths shoulders as he ran with me. "Hey guys lets take it down a notch, Gabriel she can keep her hair up if she wants and North set her down before she gets in trouble on her first day of school". Noah commanded and North finally set me down as Gabriel goaned but did what he was told. we all headed to our first class as the bell rang. Gabriel and Noah towed in behind me as we all sat in the back, Noah sat in front of me and Gabriel sat behind me.

The teacher began to go over class rules and set us up with book work, I quietly tried to get my work done with Gabriel playing with my hair behind me. I had half a mind to turn around and ask him to stop when the bell rang. Wow time passed by fast i thought as I got my stuff together in my bag as me and the boys parted our ways as I headed to my next class. All of a sudden someone barreled into my shoulder forcing me to fall on my ass, I glared at whoever just knocked me down, I looked up at him. He looked a little older than me and I recognized him from the football team, he wore a football jersey, blue faded jeans and had a goatee.

"Watch where your going bitch", he sneered and stepped over me kicking my bag causing my stuff to spill out all over the floor. I sighed and spent a few minutes gathering all my things and finally got to my class late, the teacher Mr. Davis looked up from roll call and glared at me. "Are you riley?" I nodded and took my place between North and victor who silently asked me dozens of questions. "Next time don't be late" Mr.Davis sneered and I mustered a yes and shoved my head down into my book. "What happened?" Victor asked pulling on my hair behind me. I shrugged it off not looking into his eyes fearing it would give it all away, "Its nothing just typical bullies". I answered him quietly. "Who was it?" north asked me turning around when the teacher wasn't looking. "I don't know, some guy from the football team".

I quieted my voice not wanting to talk about it anymore, and they could tell because they asked no more questions. The rest of the day went by in a blur but I paid no attention I had more things on my mind. Did he know who I was? and Why me of all people? up until now I was invisible to everything and everyone. I noticed my brother in the parking lot as I walked out with the boys. I asked them to wait there as I ran up to him grabbing his shoulder, he turned around and looked into my eyes with such a fierce expression I half cringed. His eyes softened a little bit seeing it was just me,"What?" he asked annoyed. "What do you mean? are you okay what happened?" I pressed wanting to know. He shook his head and thats when I noticed a bruise on the side of his head, I held back from touching it and tried not to stare. "You don't need to know just try to stay out of the way and the house okay?" and before I could protest he went into his car and drove off without another word. I huffed frusterated he was keeping me in the dark, I felt Noahs hand on my shoulder and I wanted to shrug it off but I didn't its not his fault and I shouldn't take it out on him. I silently followed him to the car not saying another word as we went back home.