Chapter 8: Life or death

Thousands of questions flooded through my head but I had answers to none of them, we had finally arrived back at Noahs house and I had little time before I had to head back home. I set my backpack down and sat on the couch attempting to relax, Noah had dissapeared into his room to do whatever work he had. Before I knew it seven had rolled around and I got ready to go back home if I could, I walked upstairs and let Noah know I was heading home and slipped out the door taking the back routes home. It took a few minutes but I finally made it home and snuck into my bedroom, I got into pajamas and messed up my bed to make it look like I was sleeping. As I cleaned up and laid down into bed someone pounded on my door loudly, I slowly got up and opened the door acting like I had just woken up. "Yes?" I asked glancing up at my father, he was clearly drunk again as he held himself up with my door frame. I tried to refrain myself from looking over at the camera in the corner of my room as I noticed the green light indicating it was on, someone was watching. "Where have you been?" he grumbled peering around me to look into my room. "I didn't feel good I was sleeping dad" I replied in a small voice faking a cough. I had only hoped he was drunk enough to not notice the camera in the room, satisfied with the state of my room he stayed quiet searching for something else to yell at me for. He turned to leave when something caught his eye, he stared intently at the teddy bear my mother had given me before she died, "Where is your mother?" he asked darkly as shadows filled his eyes his full attention on me now. My head reeled back as I wasn't expecting this question I wasn't sure what he wanted me to say.

"Dad, she died in an accident remember? your drunk maybe you should sleep" I said slowly treading on careful waters. I wanted to touch his shoulder but before I could even think about doing so his hand flew across the air hitting me on the side of my right cheek, hard enough to where I hit the ground loosing my breath. "I'm not drunk!" he sneered. "Where the fuck is she?!" he asked again grabbing the collar of my shirt bringing me up to his face, I smelled the whiskey on his breath as he brought me up to his face my nose pressed against his. "Your hiding her aren't you?" he growled at me scowling at the sight of me. Before I could protest that I wasn't he flung me down the stairs, I let out a short yelp before I hit the bottom of the stairs as pain shot through my entire body. I had a moment to glance and see my brother tied up to a stool tiredly looking at the ground before he shot awake staring at me in fear for my life, it was over now. I tired to scramble to my feet to untie him but my father caught me by the back of my shirt yanking me to him, ripping my shirt apart.

My back was pressed against my father as he grabbed my breast making me freeze, he has never touched me like this before what is he doing? I wondered as I began to panic. "Dad, stop-" my voice wavered as I struggled to get away but he held me tighter and I winced as pain radiated through my shoulder and down my spine. I heard my brother protesting through his gag as he watched, "since your mother isn't here I'll have to do with you" he gowled in my ear and threw me on the ground. My brother struggled against his binds as he watched with pure fear and hatred I had never seen him like this before. My father bent down and shoved his knee in between my legs against my groin and began to bend down, "watch this son, this is how you take care of a woman" he said looking over at my brother. I struggled against my father and began to break free when his fist connected with my face, I could almost see stars as blood spat out of my mouth. I felt him ripping off my shirt off my body as I still attempted to see, I moved my legs, my arms everything I could to get away. Before I realized it I began yelling out Noahs name in desperation, I yelled out all the guys names anyone to stop this before he could go farther. Just as he began to lean in and kiss me, ripping my bra off I heard something loudly break as I pushed my head away from his. He grabbed my face and turned it toward him but it was too late, a body collided onto my father and in the attempt to throw whoever was ontop of him I was shoved across the room and into the wall. Through hazy and blurry eyes I watched a figure take on my father throwing punches at him, I wanted to worry about whoever it was but I couldn't take it and my vision faded into darkness.

Noahs P.O.V:

I ran as fast as I could to Rileys house but I was too late, I kicked the door in with Gabriel and Victor in tow behind me as we peered into the house. There revealed Rileys father ontop of her with her shirt ripped into shreds on the ground, his knee shoved between her thighs as he held her face attempting to kiss her. Victor had already cut Rileys brother free before he ran at the father swinging his fists at his face and in the middle of him doing so Riley was flung across the room and into the wall, knocking her out. As Gabriel pulled her brother away from the father who was now knocked out, Victor had made it over to Riley trying to wake her up, I ran over worried as he held her with tears filling his eyes. "Princess do you hear me? wake up" he said lightly patting her cheek, her eyes flew open and glanced at him in fear first before realizing who it was, "Princess it's okay it's just me were taking you over to my house okay?" she nodded as he picked her up and she cuddled into his chest passing back out. Victor and gabriel headed to the car as I delt with her father and brother. I looked at him as they left the house, "I want to kill him for what he has done" he said clenching his fists and I nodded. "I understand we all feel the same but you know we can't, we have to be careful about this or you both may end up in the system or worse". This seemed to had already dawned on him because he nodded his head in agreement trying to calm down, "So whats your plan then?" he asked looking into my eyes and I smiled a small millimeeter of a smile. "This is what were going to do-" I began to tell him.

Rileys P.O.V

I remember hearing victors voice which caused me to force my eyes open afraid of what happened, I looked at his face as he calmed seeing me awake with tears in his eyes. "Were taking you to my house okay?" I nodded unable to protest or say anything, I wanted to think about him calling me princess but when he picked me up I breathed in his smell of moss and berrys and I rememeber nothing else after that. A short while later I woke up inside victors bed, I groaned as my face and everything hurt, I probably had terrible bruises all over the place. I then realized I was wrapped up in Gabriels arms every one else was gone, I stared at his handsome features his long blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He was in only a shirt and boxers as he slept peacefully next to me holding me tightly, I couldn't help but run my fingers down his muscular chest. He started to stir and he opened his eyes and stared at me with such passion I could have fainted. "Trouble I was so worried about you" he said huskily as he moved himself ontop of me his lips inches from mine and his hips were pressed against mine making me feel things I never thought were possible. "I'm okay I promise" I whispered unable to say anything else with him so close to me. He pressed his lips against mine and I did the same as he began kissing with tounge. My core was hot as I restrained from humping against him, as we kissed more passionately he rubbed against me and I moaned until we heard foot steps come from upstairs he jumped off of me and shoved pants on running out of the room. Noah poked his head in checking in on me and I sighed getting up and ready for the day.