Chapter 9: Assulted

As we all had gotten dressed and arrived at the school, I was exhaused and they tried insiting that I didn't go but I refused. With a little bit of makeup and pills I had been ready to take on the day, I headed to homeroom to meet up with Gabriel and Noah when the same football jerk showed up into my view. I did my best to avoid him but it failed as he cornered me into the lockers with his two buddies on both sides of me, trapping me. I looked for a way out but I couldn't unless one of the boys showed up I was screwed, "What's your name bitch your actually kind of cute?" he asked roughly grabbing my chin forcing me to look at him. I scowled at him trying to pull away, "none of your business asshole" I sneered then spit in his face. I don't know where that came from but I had no time to contemplate it when he grabbed my throat and slammed me against the lockers, if anyone had been in the hallways they had left by now. "Good I like them feisty" he growled into my face and I could smell the alcohol and menthol on his breath, and before he could do anymore he was shoved off of me by Noah of all people. "Are you okay?" he asked worried standing in front of me protectively, I nodded and grabbed the back of his shirt as all my nerves began to emerge hiding behind him. The jock scowled and backed away not wanting to start anything, "Ill be back for you baby" and the sound of him calling me that made me flinch. Noah picked up my bag that I had now realized had fallen onto the floor, I muttered a thank you but he shook his head dragging me to class. The rest of class dragged on until lunch as I sat with everyone, Gabriel and North sat on my left and right, Noah sat in front of me and Liam and victor both sat beside him as well and Adam stood beside the table. "We have to keep a better eye on Riley she's starting to be targeted by the football team" Noah said to everyone once we all had quieted down. I shook my head, "I'm fine guys I can handle myself" but Noah gave me a look that put me in my place, okay I guess not. "Fuck why her of all people? this is why your trouble!" Gabriel groaned wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Hey don't give her shit it's not her fault" North defended me punching Gabriel in the arm. "Hey! I'm not blaming her I'm just saying it's bullshit that they won't leave her alone and why her?" He asked raking his hand through his long blonde hair. Noah and the others nodded agreeing with this, "that's a good question we should start looking into". Noah said to the others and before anything else could be said the bell rang and I headed Algebra with North and Adam. The last three periods passed quickly and before I knew it we were on our way to the bus, I was oddly by myself and I couldn't find the guys. I checked my phone finding a text from Noah;

'Cum upstairs gurl'

My heart stopped knowing that was anyone but Noah clutching my backpack I ran back inside the school and toward the stairs. I took two stairs at a time and found myself staring at a group of jocks surrounding someone. At first I didn't recognize him until I realized it was Noah without his glasses, they were all taking turns at hitting him in the stomach. His eyes widened when he saw me silently telling me to leave him be but I couldn't and suddenly I don't know what came over me. "Hey come pick on someone your own size!" I yelled at them dropping my backpack. The same bully came his way toward me laughing as he saw me. "You?! your no where near my size!" he laughed at me again going to turn away back to noah ignoring me. "You know what? your right" I grabbed his shoulder and turned him to face me, I brought my leg up and nailed him in the nuts forcing him to fall down on his knee's."See? now your my size" I said bending down in front of him as he sat in pain. His buddies had now forgot Noah and surrounded me, one of them holding me back, one jock with short black hair and brown eyes came into view grabbing my chin and grinning at me, "oh well now you fucked up sweetie" he grinned at me bringing his face close to mine. Out of instinct I slammed my head against his, knocking him out in the process and forcing me to loose my vision from the pain. The leader was now up on his feet and his hand came out slapping me into the next world, blood began to trail down my lip as I forced myself to not faint. I thought I heard Noah yell my name but I couldn't see anyone but the asshole in front of me.

I thought of ways to escape I noticed the book on the ground beside me from my bag and an idea occurred to me. I forced myself out of my captors grip and before he could hold me again I spun around and planted a kiss on his cheek, he froze and thats when I took action. I kicked him in the nuts as well then fell for the book on the ground, the leader jumped at me and I swung around connecting the hard cover book with his face. He flew to the ground and Noah was ontop of the last guy punching him and knocking him out. Noah had me in his arms before my body hit the ground out of exaustion and nerves, and I thought I heard a couple of the other guys voices but it all started to fade away.