Confrontations Part VI: Wrath of the Beast King

The sun speedily disappeared into the clouds, which had seemingly come out of nowhere. Hezron stopped playing his flute, as he seemed to recall something. The day his village had been wiped out, it had started raining.

"Oh no! It's coming personally!" he mumbled.

Everyone turned to look at him, but he just kept mumbling some more. He sat down in surrender. Myra however, remained motionless. If he had a mouth, there would be a wide smile on his face. He was about to face the most powerful foe on the ridiculous blue planet, well, since his repair anyways.

"We have to leave!" declared Ryan, as he turned, heading for the purple portal. However, to his surprise, the purple portal closed! Initially he was surprised, but he started to become angry. "What's going on Myra?" he asked, with slight anger.

"Wait. I will re-open the portal some time from now, however, I will not be joining you", Myra responded.

"What do you plan on doing?" asked Ryan.

"He intends to fight the Beast King!" replied Gonin, in Myra's stead.

"Wait, what? Can he win?" asked Ryan.

"He is an immortal! What do you think? Would he engage in a battle he knows he cannot win?" asked Gonin.

"I will not be joining you as well...," said Hezron, hesitantly.

"Why? Do you want to fight the Beast King too?" asked Rose, sarcastically.

Hezron remained quiet for some time, and then he replied, "No. I can't fight against it. But I will have to keep my promise."

"Promise? To who?" asked Ryan.

"To the tiger."

"How can you speak to those animals? How come you can understand them?" asked Ryan.

"I don't know the answers to those questions either. All I know is somehow I can understand what they're saying", replied Hezron, with his head lowered.

"That's very weird. Anyway, we need to LEAVE!!" yelled Ryan, as he looked at Myra.

It was in this moment that the Pirin and its counterparts started moving. They were flying in the direction where the nine-tailed beasts were fighting against the dire wolf and its counterparts. Since the nine-tailed beasts were diverted, Myra vanished and appeared next to the Pirin.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"What do you think? If you even think at all", replied the Pirin.

"Who's this?" asked a voice being projected from a robot hovering next to the Pirin.

"Literary, no one. Its name is Myra, ehh, it's an extra-terrestrial being…" replied the Pirin.

"What is an extra-terrestrial robot doing on this planet? And how come it looks … modern..?" asked another voice.

"It's a long story which is not particularly important. The important thing is it's our ally right now."

"How did you even know about this robot? And why didn't you tell us about it?" asked the first voice.

"Didn't I say it's not important?"

"How are we--"

"Don't start with the trust bull--"

"The reason I have come here is to warn you! There are more tailed beasts hiding behind the mountains!" warned Myra, interrupting the argument that was starting to escalate.

"We know!" replied both the Pirin and the robots it was arguing with.

"Then what are you going to do about it?" asked Myra, slightly surprised but well, it didn't show.

"Just wait and see. If you want to help, you have to come in and help us to capture the beast that's leading the attack."

"Capture it alive? That is going to be even more troublesome…" replied Myra.

"We have a plan for that!"

"Enough! It's here!" declared the Pirin.

Sure enough, a cold wind began to blow from the southern side, where the Beast King was approaching from. Roars and howls mixed with a terrifying killing intent surged within the winds, as a violent storm started approaching. Myra turned and looked at the robots hovering close to him. He was getting an intense desire to do battle with the monster that was approaching, while all the others looked, well, normal. Worry could be traced in the surrounding atmosphere.


More roars sounded as the Beast King edged closer. A few minutes later, there were wings that bloated the skies, a huge frame that awed every eye that cast a glance upon it, and a roar that inspired fear in every person who heard it. And then it arrived. A dark cloud literary hung over the now dilapidated cottage. Following the Beast King was an army of tailed beasts, each more mean looking and ferocious than the last!

"Now, let us get our plan in motion", spoke the Pirin.

It was in this instant that the Beast King ushered another awe-inspiring roar that caused ears to go deaf.


As the tiger roared, sound waves were released that caused every person's hair to stand on end! With each sound wave, the rebelling beasts stopped rebelling and then looked at the robots.


There was another roar, and from that instant all the tailed beasts started to attack the robots with a spark of ferocity. The nine-tailed beasts looked at Myra and the Pirin, which were hovering in the air, and then unleashed powerful blasts towards the robots!


A purple vortex appeared in front of the robots and then swallowed the blasts! No expected explosion occurred! The Pirin and its counterparts started to move, heading in the direction of the Beast King, with the intention to capture it! The Beast King would not have it. It unleashed a roar that caused the robots to edge backwards. Before the robots could attack, a wall made of tailed beasts with four tails sprung up to defend the Beast King. These beasts were mainly made of winged creatures.

There were condos, eagles and hawks, and all of them were massive in size. They started to attack with their sharp talons, scratching against one of the robots, which had been caught unaware. The robot was slashed in two by one of the eagles, and all the pieces fell down onto the ground. The eagle screeched before diving down towards some of the robots fighting against the tailed beasts below.

The Beast King then looked at Myra and then growled, with a hoarse-sounding voice. Myra looked at it, and it seemed as if there was a tacit agreement of sorts. The only way things would go back to normal, was when one of them was dead! They had to let their fists, or paws, do the talking instead!

Hezron was terrified when he saw the Beast King glancing in his direction. He remembered the promise he had made when they had met. Currently, he was fighting against the Beast King and his army, on the side of the humans, who had sent robots instead of regular soldiers! This wasn't going so well for him. He decided to leave everything to fate…if there was such a thing. He looked at his flute, before standing up and walking towards the area where the battle between monsters and robots was occurring.

"Where are you going?" asked Rose.

"I have to stop them! They are not going to win this!"

"What can you do?" asked Rose.

"I can talk to it! The king will listen to me. And the robots as well!" he replied, as he kept walking towards the danger zone.

"I'd advise against that! You won't even make it past those chameleons!" yelled Rose, pointing at the chameleons that were eyeing them eerily. It was quite weird, but everyone had gotten used to seeing four-foot-tall chameleons with four tails. It was now pretty much a normal occurrence. However, seeing the four-foot tall chameleons and knowing they were about to become food are two completely different things. Hezron hesitated for a moment, as he seemed to be thinking of something.

The Pirin and its counterparts, Myra not included, decided it was worth a coin to attack the Beast King since they ignored the wall of condos and eagles. They flew over at top speed, avoiding claws and raining wing feathers. As they edged closer, the Beast King became more outraged. It was difficult to tell whether the rage was due to the other tailed beasts failing to defeat the Pirin, or because its authority was being challenged. Either way, it was clearly very angry.

After watching from the side-lines for some time, the Beast King decided to join the battle! It shoved aside the wall of condos and eagles which collapsed like a house of cards, and then roared as it flew forward in a dash. It opened its gigantic mouth and unleashed an orange blast, which was targeted at the Pirin. The oval shaped robot could not dodge in time and was caught in the blast!


The Pirin fell down in a flash and when it connected to the ground, an oval shaped crater was created. The Beast King roared and then swiped towards another robot, which fell down in the same fashion as the Pirin, this time creating a bigger crater than the Pirin. Another robot tried to blast the Beast King with a plasma blast, but it appeared to be ineffective! The Beast King responded by swiping with its paw, and the unfortunate robot was ripped in two!


The Beast King roared, as it continued with its rampage. It opened its mouth again, and this time it was smoking with an orange flame. As it launched the flame, multiple robots which were in the line of fire exploded as they were blasted to pieces by the fiery blast!

As it turned out, the Beast King had cleared a path to Myra, while it was rampaging. Now, two sets of eyes were looking at each other. One was blue light and the other had a crimson glow. The wind kicked up a storm, the clouds churned in the skies, as the two faced off. The beautiful morning had turned into a nightmarish hell. Sparks flew off in the air as Myra and the Beast King glared at each other, getting ready to fight! Who could have predicted that things would get to this extreme? And who could have predicted how the situation ended?