Confrontations Part VII: Myra vs the Beast King

Myra looked unconcerned, as the Beast King continued glaring daggers at him. Well, it was difficult to figure out if he was concerned, as his face looked still. The Beast King however, looked quite excited. There was a wide grin on its hideous face as it floated in the air, flapping its massive wings. It was causing much of a storm just by itself. Comparing the size of Myra and the Beast King, it looked like an ant facing off against an elephant, well, there's no normal tiger that grew to the King's size!


The Beast King gave one last roar before charging straight at Myra! The fight had begun! There's one thing Myra forgot to do, and that was to open the portal before fighting the Beast King. He had promised he'd open it later, only to get engaged in the fight. The Beast King dashed towards Myra in one swift movement. Myra suddenly responded by clenching a fist, and then releasing it towards the Beast King who was approaching at an incredible speed!


A paw clashed against a fist, causing the wind to kick up. The Beast King edged backwards, while Myra flew backwards for some time. When Myra came to a halt, his arm had a stinging sensation, which was quite weird, considering that he was made of metal! The Beast King grinned some more with excitement. It had never faced an opponent such as this, in all its entire life. It dashed again towards Myra, this time with the intention to end the threat that was the immortal robot. The first attack was simply a probing attack.


It swiped towards Myra with its sharp claws! A wave of red-brown energy emerged which flew off towards Myra, with the Beast King closely behind. Myra vanished from the spot he was hovering in, leading to the wave going straight through! The wave dissipated a few meters after missing, and the Beast King screeched to a halt.

Myra appeared behind the Beast King, which turned and swiped at him. He vanished again, and this time he didn't appear anywhere near the Beast King.


The Beast King had a puzzled expression on its face, as it searched the vicinity for the robot which seemed to have vanished into thin air. Myra appeared behind Ryan and then spoke, "I now know what I am facing against. For your safety, I will open the portal, so you won't be affected."

"About time!" yelled Ryan, as he turned to face Myra.

A purple portal opened in front of Rose, who shuddered as if a wave of cold wind had washed over her. She was the first to go through the portal, followed by Gonin. As Ryan was about to enter, Myra suddenly grabbed him and blasted Hezron with a strong wind that pushed him quite a distance. The portal closed before two then vanished from the spot.


An orange blast landed where they were standing some time ago. There was an explosion that caused dust and debris to fly all over! A cold wind came from above, pushing away the dust.


A massive frame descended as wing flapping sounds came from above. The frame came into view, revealing the ten-tailed winged tiger. It growled in dissatisfaction at Myra, who had vanished before it had the chance to satisfy its hunger for a fight. Hezron stood up, and dusted himself, as he realized that if Myra had not pushed him out of the way, he'd be a dead lump of meat! He started walking towards the Beast King, with his mind absent. He was thinking of how he could convince the tiger to spare him.

"The human traitor! What do you have to say for yourself?" started an ancient sounding voice, inside Hezron's head.

"Look, I know I broke my promise… Actually, I almost did. I said that I will be the one to prevent war between you and the humans", responded Hezron.


The tiger roared in Hezron's face, and unlike last time, he kept on standing, not even flinching! He had made up his mind. Whether the tiger was angry or not, he was going to keep his promise. And he wasn't afraid anymore. He couldn't be afraid!

"So you've made your choice then?" asked the voice.

"Yes. I will not fight against you, and I won't help you to destroy my race either! We can talk about this, can't we?" he tried to negotiate.

"What do you think?" asked the voice, with a terrifying growl.

"What do you really want?" asked Hezron.

It was in this instance that Myra's aura filled the air, and it made the tiger even more tense. Hezron realized that whatever he wanted to talk about, now was not a good time to negotiate with the tiger.

"I cannot protect you, however, you have to leave this place if you want to survive! My soldiers will not attack you!"

"I appreciate your kindness. But I will not leave you here! I still have a promise to keep, remember?"

"That promise won't matter much if you're dead! Now go!"

Hezron was about to say something, when the Beast King flapped its wings and prepared to leave. Its target was Myra. He was too powerful a threat to just let go! The tiger turned and started glaring at Myra, who had appeared a distance, still holding onto Ryan. The portal had closed, so Ryan was now stuck with Hezron and Myra.

"He's my friend. Please spare him", said Hezron in a soft voice, pointing to Ryan.

The Beast King looked at Ryan, with a puzzled expression. For some reason, it didn't know why it was feeling like the child was more dangerous than the robot holding him. Well, he wasn't exuding a dangerous aura, but instinct told the Beast to be wary of the child.

"I won't make that promise!" spoke the Beast King, as it prepared to launch an attack on Myra, again.

Myra stood still, watching the Beast King, as it glared daggers at him. This wasn't the first time it had happened, so he was quite cool. Well, he was always chilled.

"Things are about to get much worse from now on. Stay as far away from this place as you can!" warned Myra, as he let go of Ryan.

"What's there to be afraid of?" asked Ryan.

Myra remained quiet, and then a small portal appeared in front of him. He put his hands inside it, and retrieved a silver spear, with purple designs. He was now getting serious! For the first time, since his repair, Myra was about to fight seriously. He spun the spear, and the purple designs started glowing with a soft purple hue, making it seem like he was holding a purple wheel of light. He pointed the glowing spear at the tiger, thoroughly enraging it. This was an open provocation!


The tiger roared twice before charging at Myra again! Time literary slowed to a crawl, as Myra took steps towards the charging tiger. To him, it appeared as if the tiger was moving so slowly. He moved right in front of the tiger, and then stabbed with the tip of his spear, at the tiger's throat. He wanted to get the charade over with as soon as possible.

If anyone was watching this from a mile away, they'd see a dome-like barrier covering a large portion of the forest. Inside this barrier, everything looked black and white, and birds appeared to be motionless, frozen in time. This was all Myra's doing! Well, no one would know this happened anyways. After all, this was the true power of the Void!

Myra had used a martial skill that creates a barrier inside of which he controls time and space. Currently, the barrier had a length of nine hundred kilometres! This means that anything in the span of nine hundred meters from where Myra was standing, was ultimately frozen in time! This martial skill was powerful, but it was also highly taxing! He could maintain this state for less than two minutes, and besides, it consumed a lot of qi. And the fortunate or unfortunate thing was that time was moving! Well, outside the barrier anyways.

The silver spear stabbed into the throat of the Beast King.


There was a sound as if metal had come into contact with another metal. Myra was puzzled, but before he had time to figure out why the spear could not go through, the barrier wore off and everything returned to normal. To everyone else, Myra had vanished and then reappeared in front of the Beast King. Even the Beast King was perplexed. Its opponent moved too fast!

The Beast King edged backwards a little bit, before unleashing a blast that threatened to bring down the entire landscape! Myra could not run away from this blast, because if he did, then Ryan would get caught up in it. He was standing quite a distance away from Ryan but he was in the line of the attack. The Beast King knew this, which is why it decided to blast both the threat and the annoying brat behind it. The blast was unleashed, and it flew in a straight line.

Myra started spinning the spear in his hand, and a purple vortex appeared in front of him. The vortex was too small to contain the blast, however, as the blast reached him, something incredible happened! The vortex expanded and swallowed the blast, before closing with a poof sound. The Beast King did not give up. It looked like it was expecting that to happen, because it unleashed another blast, this time, aiming at the position above Myra's head. Myra realized what the beast was trying to achieve. To mitigate this attack, Myra focused and concentrated his circuits.


His eye sockets turned from blue to purple, and then a purple diagram appeared right behind Myra. The spear vanished as he focused on using his fists. As Myra concentrated, a black hole started to appear in front of him. It was very small, that someone very far would not be able to see it. However, the Beast King could feel it. And when it felt the power, it grimaced. Things were finally getting out of hand!

At least it confirmed it! This was the threat that made it feel unwell. It was the robot in front of it. The black hole was very small, but it made the Beast King uneasy! For the very first time, it started to be afraid. A large, visible drop of sweat showed on its hideous face.

Before the blast could do anything, it was swallowed by the small black hole! The blast vanished without a trace, but the black hole was still there! The Beast King realized it had smashed its own foot with a rock. However, there was nothing it could do. It had started riding a tiger, and it was hard to get off now … well it was a tiger but … there was no turning back now.

Myra jumped up into the sky, with the black hole floating in his palm somehow. The Beast King realized what Myra was going to do next, and then it edged backwards, before unleashing a roar that caused the already dark sky to darken some more. Then it started raining! However, Myra was undeterred by this new development. He kept going up, until he reached a certain altitude, where he stopped and then activated his barrier! Time literary slowed to a crawl as the barrier expanded, trapping the beast in it. And when the Beast King was frozen, Myra then unleashed the black hole towards it!