Confrontations Part VIII: Victory!

Torrents of rain kept pouring down as if someone was pouring down a jar full of water from above. It was coming down heavily, in sheets. The drops were so large and heavy that as they hit the ground, they caused massive holes. There was a large hole in the ground where a robot hovered alone. Well, technically it wasn't alone, but for over 100 km, there was no other living being! The hole in the ground was over 3km in radius, and its depth was not visible.

As rain poured, explosions rocked the battlefield, but were muffled by the sound of the rain pouring. Robots against tailed beasts. It looked as if the beasts were losing somehow. A robot with a colour of rust dashed forward in the pouring rain and thrust the plasma blade it was wielding in the stomach of a bear having two tails. The bear tried to fight back, but it was for naught. Finally, the bear died, due to blood loss. The robot dashed towards another beast. This time, the beast was a two-feet tall snake with three tails. The robot slashed its blade towards the gigantic snake.

The snake dodged the blade, but before it had a chance to retaliate, the robot transformed its left arm into a plasma rifle and then fired at the snake's head!


The plasma energy from the rifle blasted a hole into the head of the snake before it could strike back. The gigantic snake fell down with a THUD! sound. Scenes like these were playing all around the battlefield. The beasts were getting slaughtered one after another. What had happened in order for such a thing to happen on the battlefield?

It all happened like this: Myra had jumped up into the sky, with the black hole floating in his palm somehow. The Beast King realized its opponent was trying to unleash a black hole to end the fight! If it allowed such a thing to happen, then it would be over! It would die and that was it. With eyes full of madness and rage, it jumped up and edged backwards before unleashing a roar that caused rain to fall!

This fight was getting more and more ridiculous! A robot had summoned a black hole out of nowhere, and a tiger with ten tails unleashed a roar that caused rain to fall. If that didn't sound ridiculous, nothing else did! However, all it took was a split second for the fight to end.

Time slowed to a crawl, as a dome-shaped barrier covered a part of the landscape. This barrier was not visible to anyone inside it; after all, everyone inside it was frozen in time, or so it appeared. Everyone except Myra was frozen, they could not feel anything, they could not move! Myra focused, and he unleashed the small black hole floating in his palm. The small black hole flew at a snail's pace towards the hideous tiger in front of Myra. Since everything was frozen in time, the tiger was not going to run away.

When the small black hole eventually reached the tiger, the barrier wore off! The tiger was still trying to edge backwards to avoid being annihilated, but alas… it was too late!


There was a blinding light as the waves generated by the black hole moved outwards, pushing Myra, Ryan and Hezron as far away from each other as possible. That's not all the explosion did. It also dug a massive hole into the ground, leaving what looked like a bottomless pit to any observer. The Beast King's energy disappeared completely. Myra stood up and looked at the giant pit in front of him, and then he flew into the air, where he hovered, searching for Ryan and Hezron.

With the disappearance of the Beast King's energy, the battlefield turned even more chaotic. The tailed beasts started losing the battle, and they started dying. The robots gained the upper hand and began to massacre the tailed beasts without mercy. Currently, the two nine-tailed beasts were engaged in a deadly battle with two robots. One of the robots was an oval shaped robot, and the second robot was a gigantic red-brown robot, which had various metal parts of different shades. It looked like a mashup of many robots of different shades of the same colour! It was horrific to look at!

The oval shaped robot was fighting against the nine-tailed fox, while the red-brown robot was fighting against the bear. It was not looking good for any of the beasts. The nine-tailed fox was worn out, and it had many injuries. The bear didn't have it easy either. It was missing two of its four arms; one horn was broken and some of its eyes were slashed. Things weren't looking so good for all the other tailed beasts as well. The wall of birds with flight was destroyed when the Beast King swiped at them to create a path to Myra.

For some of the remaining condos and eagles, the moment the energy of the Beast King disappeared, they lost the one thing that united them. Some turned to flee, but how could the robots leave them to roam free?

"I can't sense the energy of that winged tiger! Time to switch to Plan B! Activate the Rhizen Canon, so we can finish this off!" came a voice from the oval shaped robot, which was the Pirin, of course.

"Are you sure? It might destroy some of our robots!" replied a voice from the red-brown counterpart.

"Just aim at those animals, I can get the other robots to move away!"


The red-brown robot flew up into the air, and then began an even more surprising transformation! Its left arm started changing form from a human-like arm, into a gigantic canon. The canon had red lines glowing with a fearsome colour, which was coming from the compressed plasma energy. The energy kept rising, and the nine-tailed beasts had all their fur stand on end. Even if the Beast King was around, it would flinch as the energy was enough to threaten it. Myra, who was a distance away, could not help it but turn his head towards the source of the energy spike!

The robot unleashed the energy, and the beam flew in a straight line, carving through the lines of tailed beasts!


Multiple explosions ensued everywhere the beam touched. The robots edged backwards even before the beam was unleashed so many of them were safe. There were a few that got caught up in the blast and were reduced to molten metal! As for the tailed beasts, one can imagine.

The fox grimaced before turning towards the bear and growling. The bear growled back, and while it looked like they were arguing about something, they didn't have much time. Many chains came from robots which were hovering around the nine-tailed beasts and they bound the two beasts to prevent them from moving. At first, the beasts struggled until they broke free. However, a few moments later, as if something had happened, the beasts started losing strength. The chains from the robots completely bound them.

The rest of the tailed beasts were not so fortunate. The massacre continued, and the conditions were made worse by the debut of the Rhizen canon. The reason why the Rhizen canon was even coveted by Cerberus, was because it was too damn powerful. When attached to a satellite and powered by radiation from the sun, the Rhizen canon can wipe out an entire city in one attack! How? It took in energy and then compressed it to the maximum. When the energy was compressed to a certain point and unleashed, the power was like the initial energy multiplied a hundred times over! Who wouldn't want a power like this? Which nation would not covet something like this?

The Canon attached to the robot was a miniature one and wasn't powerful enough to level a city. However, it was enough to turn the tides of this battle! Some beasts realized that it was futile to try and fight this losing battle, and they started fleeing. The robots pursued and the massacre continued. With the disappearance of the Beast King's energy, and the capture of the nine-tailed beasts, this battle was just as good as concluded!

The Pirin floated down and landed in front of the captured beasts, which were glaring at it with eyes filled with hatred.

BEEP. BEEP. Damage report: 30 percent damage. Interface System offline! Power remaining: 15 percent! Please consider recharging!

The voice that spoke came from the Pirin. Apparently, it had sustained some damage, and mostly this happened when the Beast King attacked with an orange blast earlier. The reason why Dr. Paige was confident in taking down the Beast King, was because he had the surprise of the Rhizen Canon. No matter how many beasts came with the beast army, the Rhizen Canon would reduce them to ashes in the blink of an eye!

"Sounds like that oval shaped robot is done for. What's the plan now?" asked a drone that descended from the skies.

The red-brown robot was the first to answer, "Bring in the clean up team. Get the captured beasts to HQ. And kill the rest!"

"Yes general!" replied the drone.

"So, still think my technology is useless?" asked the Pirin.

"It's quite convenient. You can upload your brain to a robot and control it. If we had such a technology, we'd have an immortal army of soldiers! However, I've been thinking. Why would you suddenly appear out of nowhere and give us such dangerous technology? Are you not afraid we'll turn on you?" asked the red-brown robot, pointing the Rhizen canon at the Pirin.

"First point, it was a mutual benefit. You help me hunt the animals, and I give you the canon as payment. Sounds like a fair deal, no? Second point, you can't turn on me. The Rhizen Canon has a cooldown of three hours. And as the creator, I can disable and enable it when I want", replied the Pirin, with a calm voice.

"So you're still controlling us even behind the scenes? You're one bad robot. I've been wondering why you'd hide yourself in a robot, and not co--"

"That's about enough!" interjected the Pirin. "Would you like me to terminate our contract?"

"Stop bluffing! We know--"

"You know what?" spoke the Pirin, as its digital interface turned from bright blue to a red colour.


The sounds of helicopters filled the air, and some of them were carrying multiple gigantic containers, as they came into view. Soldiers came out of the helicopters as they landed. They began to clean up the remains of the beasts, by burning what could be burnt, and slicing up the rest into smaller pieces.

Myra found Ryan about 200 meters from where he had unleashed the black hole onto the Beast King. Ryan was unconscious, and no matter how much he scanned with his divine sense, he couldn't locate Hezron anywhere. As he realized his search was futile, he opened a portal and went in with Ryan, before vanishing and the portal closing.

As Myra's portal closed, a youth, roughly 14 years of age, was walking away from the region where the battle had happened. The youth's clothes were tattered, showing that he had been through a lot. He had burns all over his body, but most of them had healed, and it was visible. The youth was carrying a tiger cub, but this cub had wings like those of an eagle, and it had a significant number of tails!

"This time, I will raise you myself! Everything's going to be different from now on!" spoke the youth, in a hoarse voice, as he looked at the cub which let out soft whimpers.