The Ice Witch

"Damn fly! I'll make you pay!"

In the southern district. Near outer wall of Reilaea, Eileen confronted Christa, Selene and Itsuo. And during their encounter, the three young adventurers managed to escape. Thanks to Selene's blinding light ability she used directly into the sorceress' eyes.

Because of what happened. Her anger towards Selene materialized into icy shards and ghostly icy winds rising around her. The surroundings turned into a field of blue slippery ice land, the Reilaean Knight Guards keeping watch over the southern gate were turned into ice statues. Left with nothing but their last moments as they were running and screaming in horror.

As time passes, Selene's ability were steadily losing its effect. Eventually, the woman in the dark witch robe would be able to open her right light-purple eye. Eyes that see nothing but her thirst to make the three adventurers pay for what they did. Especially Selene.




In the neighborhood, Selene was escorting an old lady together with her son as they evacuate away from their home. As they reached a certain distance away from the small neighborhood, Selene told the man to continue following and staying together with the others.

"Just keep following them and stay together with everyone. I'll come to you once everything is over."

"All right. Be careful, Selene."

The man nodded in reply.

"You too."

Enrique and the old lady continued going forward, while Selene went back running to their home. She arrived and saw Christa standing on top of one of the houses as she consciously staring to where the southern district is.

She then flies on top of the house Christa was standing. She called her.


"Oh? Selene? Did everyone got evacuated safely?"

"Itsuo is with them, so I'm sure that they'll be fine."

Selene accompanied Christa as they both gaze down south where they can see an open land covered in the darkness of the night, giant walls of the capital stretching in the far distance, and the gigantic full moon that lights up the rows of concrete walls.



"I was wondering, why did we evacuate the people? If Eileen's target is you, would it better if we're not anywhere near here?"

"Figured you'd say that."


"If her aim is just me, then staying away from this place would be a good option. But, there's no way that the case will be the same. Especially after what you and Itsuo did to her."

Selene remembered her fight with Itsuo against Eileen, where they managed to create an opening for Selene to cast her ability "Flicker," directly onto the woman.

"If you try to protect your friend, I won't hesitate to attack you both."

"I told you not to interfere, flies."

"You brought this to yourselves."

Selene gave an audible gulp as she realized the words Eileen said to both her and Itsuo.

"Don't worry. All you and Itsuo did was to help me and get away from that woman. I can't help but feel so ecstatic to see that there are my friends who would help me in my time of need. I truly appreciate it, thank you."


The words came out of Christa's mouth warmed Selene's heart. As she was finally able to support back Christa after everything she did to them. Christa continues to speak as she turns her gaze down to the south once again.

"Taking them to a safe place is just an insurance, in case she did something we weren't prepared of."

"Right. Eileen is a Diamond Rank Adventurer. The only ones who knows her true powers are herself and her party."

At that point, the usual howling wind transformed into a chilling, ghostly whispering that Christa and Selene felt.

"What? How did it get cold so suddenly?"

Selene spoke as she tries to warm herself with her hands wrapped from her shoulders.

"Speaking of the devil, it looks like Eileen's coming. And she's quite pissed!"

"Ah...! Stars?"

Selene turned into the same direction Christa is looking and sees a flickering light that resembles a star. But.

"Hide, Selene!"


Christa suddenly pushes Selene out the roof of the house as she readies her hands to grab something. The flickering stars were moving and approaching Christa as it turned into lance-sized ice shards.



The shards flew with great speed and force that it took Christa out of the roof as she managed to grabbed on the ice spears.


Selene watches the Crimson Eye as she tries to avoid hitting the house behind her by doing a somersault in mid-air to slow down the speed of the lances. Christa succeeded by safely landing down on the ground and barely touching the concrete wall of Selene's house.

Selene let out a sigh of relief.

"That was close! I thought you're going to hit the house! Are you alright, Christa?"

Christa wordlessly nodded in response as she goes up on her feet and started dashing forward.

"I'll help you, Christa!"

"No, I'll handle this! Stay hidden and save your energy to protect the houses!"

"A-Alright! Leave it to me!"

Christa springs forward up to the sky as she flies directly to where the ice shards came from.

"Be careful!"

Just like Christa requested her, Selene went onto hiding away from Eileen while also keeping her mana reserved to protect the houses the people will return to.

At that time, Christa is skimming through the sky at an incredible speed. She looks at the figure in the distance that is approaching her.

"Here, take these back!"

Christa proceeded to throw the ice lances at the same speed and strength they were thrown at her one by one.


But the approaching figure casually swung her hand and the two lances skyrocketing at the figure of a woman melts and disappeared before even reaching her.

"Oh? So you're Eileen? I barely recognize you with how you are now. I almost thought I met a different person back then and earlier. You're not even carrying the staff with you."

"It would be pointless to use a tool that would only hinder the fullest of my magic. This is how I truly fight. This is how I will destroy every last one of you wretched demons!"

The Eileen facing her does not look the same as Christa first met her and confronted her. Her hair that were like a frill of a phoenix's beautiful orange feathers turned into a lank snow-white hair dancing around the cold wind surrounding her. Her right eye turned into crystal-clear blue. Her arms are clad with glimmering ice with claw-like hands.

She looks almost like an evil ice witch seeking vengeance to those who dare oppose her.