Fire and Ice

"That's amazing! Those lance. If I didn't put my strength into my grip that would've pulled my hands off!"

"You sure you're not thinking that Selene and Itsuo are both demon, too, right?"

"Anyone who stand in my way of killing you demons are considered my enemy. I won't show you mercy even if you all beg for it!"

Eileen creates another ice spear with her freezing hands and throws it aggressively towards Christa. The girl with the crimson eyes moved aside to avoid Eileen's projectile.

The lance hits the ground as a result, and the size of the crater covered in ice showed how terrifyingly powerful and deadly Eileen's lance would be if it hits a person.

"Crap... You're really out to kill me."

"Enough blabbering! Come, show me. Show me your true nature, demon!"

As the words escapes her lips, countless ice lance materialized around her, aiming their sharp points at Christa as if they were living things waiting for Eileen's order to strike.

And with a single hand movement, the numerous lance she created bolted towards Christa.




In the adventurers guild, Sieghart knocks in the door, as he was out of breath. The receptionist opens the door to find Sieghart with a worried and nervous look on his face.

"Sieghart? What's wrong?"

"Eileen... Is Eileen here...?"

The receptionist was confused with Sieghart's question as she thought Eileen would be together with Sieghart and the others in their party.

"What's the matter?"

The guild master's voice came from behind the receptionist inside the adventurers guild. Sieghart took this chance to ask if Eileen was inside the adventurers guild. But the guild master replied and told Sieghart that Eileen never went to the guild since yesterday. Just then, Lira shouted at Sieghart from the top of one of the buildings.



Lira proceeds to point south.

"To the southern wall! Jinrah and David are heading there now!"

Sieghart took Lira's message that they found Eileen.

"Go! I'll follow you right away!"


"Sorry, Guild Master! We'll talk later!"

"Hey, wait! What's happening...?"

Lira takes the lead going to the southern wall as she leaps through buildings. Sieghart apologized for suddenly knocking on the guild's door and quickly went on the haste.




The fight goes on forward as Eileen bombarded Christa with her ice lances. While Christa successfully dodging everything that are aimed on her while getting closer to Eileen.

As she reaches the right distance, Christa pulls her wooden sword and swings onto Eileen, but a strong barrier made of ice magic shielded her out of Christa's strike.

"I guess I have to use my magic, too."

Christa leaps a short distance backward as her wooden sword began surrounding with flames. She goes in once again and bashes the ice barrier multiple times in an attempt to break it. But, the barrier looked as though it's not suffering any damage from Christa's barrage of attacks.

"Ha! No matter how many times you try, a demon's power is no match for me!"

A sharp pillar grows out of the ice barrier and almost hit's Christa.

"You're not a Diamond ranked adventurer for nothing it seems."



In that instant, Eileen instantly appeared face-to-face on the swordswoman. Then, her hand began to grow a long and sharp crystal-blue claws and scratches Christa. That attack resulted to Christa to be flung down on the ground.


Just when she thought Eileen's attacks were done, she saw her crashing down directly at her. But just in time, Christa manages to tumble out to safety. Christa jumps back a certain distance before letting out a sigh of relief.

"Phew! That was close! I thought you're just a normal magic caster like the others who are throwing their magic spells at each other but, you're quite fast and skilled in close combat too."

"I know that just being a magic caster who's always taking the safest position in the back of the others are powerless if we are fighting alone. I learned it the hard way."

Eileen stands as she slowly takes a few steps forward. With every step touching the earth, ice are coming out and spreading around her feet, and the air suddenly got chilling cold. Christa noticed some parts of the wooden sword are beginning to have ice forming and growing.

"And so that I no longer stand hopelessly with the enemy in front of me, so that I can fight even if I'm alone, I studied everything, magic and close combat. Even if I couldn't take my revenge with my own hands back then, as long as there are demons like you lurking in our world, my power is here to crush you all!"

A fissure of ice shards rose from the ground and is charging at Christa. With her wooden sword in hand, Christa breaks the ice fissure and stopped at it from reaching her.

Eileen was surprised that her magic were easily stopped by a single swing with a wooden sword.

"Just by a single swing of her wooden sword?"



With a single thud on the ground, the ice field Eileen's footsteps made were starting to melt and disappearing, while the feeling of heat in the atmosphere started surrounding her.

"I see. So that's why you're so fixated into making me a demon..."


As the area around them continously heating up, flames channeling from the ground were rising and circling on Christa like fiery serpents. But what Eileen sees is the same red and black aura she sees emitting from the crimson eye back in the day they followed the Wither Bees.

The ice magic caster was simply terrified by Christa, but she remained composed and glares at the girl in red flames.

"Making you a demon, you say? I can see the true nature of someone by the aura emitting from them. You say that I'm making it seem like you're demon? Hiding your true self in front of me is useless! I'll make sure to send you to the deepest of hell!"

Eileen's voice sends a chilling mist towards Christa and the land around her began to freeze again. That is until Christa takes another step and stopped the wave of chilling mist mid-way between them with her heat.


"Sorry, I don't know what happened to you in the past and I don't give a damn about it. I don't care if you're ability makes you believe I'm a demon. But I'm not gonna stand idle and let you release your frustration on me anymore."

"D-Damn you...!"

That said, Christa declared that she will now fight seriously.

Christa's blazing fire. Eileen's chilling ice. The fight between the Emerald and Diamon rank adventurers is about to reach its end.