My Previous Life

Radiative light that pierces through my eyes, spending time while sitting on the chair, my hands were on the pad of keys pressing each with my ten fingers.

It was on that day when I was passing by in a street, when I saw a woman on the window of her house using a computer, I was curious at a moment of what she's doing.

I then approach to find out, then, I stopped a meter away from the window.

When I saw the screen, I don't understand what she's typing. There was a bunch of brackets, parenthesis, colons and semi-colons, and qoutation marks that were placed before and after the word or phrase.

After that, I got carelessly asked loudly "What is that?"

Then the woman who uses the computer did heard my voice.

She looked at me and stood up on the chair then asked "Are you perhaps interested?"

Then I responded "No... It's just... I'm sorry, I was just really got curious! Sorry for bothering you."

The woman started staring at me from the window as I walk on my way.

After that, I walked away and go on my way to my school.

I am still curious what was that woman doing, so I ended up asking my friend named Hazel Callisto.

I requested "Hey Hazel, there's something I wanna ask."

Then she replied "So, what's up Karen?"

I asked "Before I got here in this school, there was a woman typing something weird. I mean there were brackets, colons, qoutation marks before and after the words, and more than than that she uses it frequently."

Hazel and the other one who were listening started to laugh and Hazel said "Pffft... Ahahaha... I can't believe you don't know that Karen. Even though you spend all of your time using your computer playing games, searching for answers in homework... Ahahaha.

She got me on my nerve from laughing and I said loudly "Hey, that was supposed to be a serious question! Answer me seriously!"

Then Hazel answered my question "It's what make things work"

I was under the expression of not getting any idea on what she just said.

I curiously said "Make things work?"

Hazel explained to me what she just meant "Well, to put it simply. When you are using an application, there are many things going on in the background. In that background there are many conditions, logic, or something... that are in process. But do you know who made those things?"

I replied "The computer?"

Then Hazel said "Wrong, it was a programmer. That woman you just saw before was a programmer. What she's doing is she's making her very own software by setting an instructions for the app and through coding. The result of her work will be shown on the ouput by running the program... Just so you know, all games and app you have been using in your computer are made by a programmer not by a computer itself."

Many days later, I was now often stopping by to the woman who's known to be a programmer and started to learn about computer programming with her. I became her friend two days after I asked Hazel.

The name of the programmer was Fatum. Her name was supposed to be Fate but it was really weird for her to be named that way. But either way, her name has a great meaning, and that is... I was meant to meet her.

Years later, I became an ICT student in a university.

Fatum said that she happened to learn all about programming in this strand.

There were several subjects other than Computer Programming but it seems I can already get good marks since I did a pre-studying before I even enroll to the university.

Other complicated things such as advanced coding in which parts became difficult for me to handle. There are many programming language can be used as a tool to make a software I desire.

Years have passed, I had graduated in a senior highschool. For the next step is to learn more in a difficulties that I am going to face in college.

I have chosen my courses before I graduated. Those courses were Information Technology, Computer Programming, and Animating.

I had troubled balancing my time learning with three courses at once.

I've learned many lessons after spending my time in college. The truth is, all activities we made, examinations, and others were a bit harder than I thought, but luckily I was able to overcome it and even got a high grades.

Time passed, I graduated in college and become a worker and employee in a company where it involves computer programming, animating, and making games and other useful softwares.

The company was named "Zsofts". This company has many branches all over the country and it is one of the famous and well-known company in the world.

The reason why I applied to this company is because it was recommended by an old friend of mine named Fatum or I call her Fate.

She told me that she works at Zsofts too, unfortunately, she works at the headquarters. It was way too far away from where I am.

We still talk each other on a phone whenever I am needing an advice, but honestly, we rarely talk since she has nothing to teach me.

Years later, I've achieve my goal. I become a real professional.

Being a professional means living your life with something you desire and it requires special skills or talents.

All these years, I have consolidated all experience I had in the past. It is also thanks to Fate that she inspired me to become a programmer.

So... that is all.

Now then... I will focus in our current project. I was assigned to be the programmer in a new game. Honestly, this was the sixth time that I become a programmer in a game, and all these game were three dimensionals. The game was adapted from a novel, following all written words and phrase and convert them into vivid scene or visualized moving pictures.

When I do the programming, it only takes me a minute to finish one moving scenes where characters walk in different directions and even background characters were important too. This also includes providing a music, a voice, and sound effects which is settled in a right time.

The next day, we are very close at finishing the new game. The game testing is still in progress to find major and even the minor bugs.

Fixing bugs can be difficult sometimes, after all, there is time a programmer has to erase everything and start from the beginning. But believe me, I am not that kind of person, and I don't easily give up.

And so...

The game development is finally finished and is ready to be released this coming March.

It was a relief now that it's all done. I had fun doing my job.

It's all done thanks to everyone.

Thus, afterwards, it's the start of my twisted fate.

The past...



The man asked me "So, Karen Genesis... now that you are a professional, is there anything else you want?

And so, I replied "There isn't any... but this is all I want to be. Why did you ask?"

The man mysteriously said "Who knows, perhaps it's time for you to do something higher than that."

"Do something higher?"

The person who asked me just now is suspicious, not only that, she knows my full name?

As Zsofts accepts any skilled workers, the one who got accepted to be fit the for job will be given a code name.

Not many people are able to pass an interview, but the first time I was interviewed, I was able to pass it easily.

My real name was Karen Genesis and I was a given a code name called "Silver #14".

After that, the man who asked me has walked away, I decided to forget that person and head home to get rest and take a day off tomorrow.

Everytime we finished our project, we take three days of day off as a reward. We also get the wages before that.

The wages comes from all 10,000 to ₱75,000 depending on how much we did in the project.

On my way home, I've heard that there has been an incident about a crime scene happened on my house nearby.

I rushed going back home to see what's going on. And when I get there, there's no one there, but there's a bloodstain on the established floor and the shape of dead body traced using a white tape.

I'm guessing that the investigation was over, but, did the police captured the suspect? I haven't heard about this crime whether it is a homicide or what.

Few seconds later, one of the forensics came back to erase the mark and clean the stain left behind. This made me having a chance to ask what happened during the crime incident.

"Umm... Excuse me Sir what happened?" I asked

"Do you live around here?"

"Well.. Yeah I do."

"Apparently, according to the witnesses, there's this woman who wanted to visit a person who lives here in that house."

"Wait... That's my house, who is it that wanted to visit me?"

"Well, Based on the inpection, we found the victim's ID after checking her bag, we Identify the victim. She was one of the Zsofts' highest executive of the Zsofts Headquarters. Her name was Fatum Gem."


"Yes, she got shotted by a sniper, and pierced through her chest. We haven't identify the suspect since that suspect was positioned hundreds of meters away from here."

"Wha... your kidding me right? There's no way... no way, the person who died?"

I felt incredibly shocked finding out the name of victim.

"But why her?" I asked while feeling an extreme heartbreak.

Until then, I spend time on my house doing nothing instead having fun on my day off. I have many friends on my work, and they started to get worry.

But this is also the time where everything ends.

Losing someone...


Extreme pain...

"My heart feels being crushed entirely..."

I haven't eaten for a days. I kept lying down on the bed and never getting up, and shedding a tears endlessly. I kept thinking about her.

Several hours have passed, someone pressed the doorbell button. The sound never stop until I opened the door. I assumed that it is all my friends wanted to visit me, so I considered getting up on the bed and go to the door.

When I opened the door, there's only one person and is a stranger standing waiting for me outside. But for some reason I've seen him before. He was wearing a black coat with sunglasses and wearing a black pants.

He started talking "Hello, do you remember me Karen Genesis?"

I tried to recall who is he, and then, in a couple of seconds later, I immediately remembered...

Then I said "Hold on... you are that man who asked me before."

Yes, he is the man who asked me about "Is there something else do I want?" if I remember correctly.

"Good grief, you certainly trying to forget me aren't you?" The man said.

"So what do you want?" I asked.

"Oh just doing my job here..."

"Make it fast as possible..."

"Now, now... don't be so impatient. You see there is something I wanted to confess."

He started to move his hand right on his left chest inside the coat then I feel he is trying to grab something there.

"You see, it was a failure... I was mistaken to kill her instead of you."

"Wha... wha do you mean?"

"I mean... Fatum Gem... That poor woman... Heh! I mistakenly killed her because you have the same hairstyle."

"Huh?" I started trembling now that I found out who killed Fatum and I release my anger to him and go for instant revenge. He was meant to kill me instead of Fatum. But why does he want to kill me? What have I done?

My body trembles a lot, then, I lose control of myself and started to yell at him loudly filled with foul words.

I grab a sharp blade and I charged at him unconsciously to stab him. But the moment I was about to reach him, he grab the gun and shot me right on the chest and left me with his final message.

"You're not going to remember this moment."

He left... telling me with nonsense.