My After Life

Ever since that day, I can't remember what happened and how did I die. There is something that blocks my view in that tragic incident in my memory, and all I could think of is there is someone murdered me.

Today, I was reincarnated as one of the citizen in the Kingdom of Mirosolis. This kingdom is located at the eastern continent of Rasia. Phaulius Dives is the current king of the nation, and he's the 56th crowned king.

This Kingdom has been established about 1500 years ago, and the Kingdom was named after the name of the first king in the history. 30 years ago, the kingdom becomes well-known for being one of the prosperous and powerful nation in the entire world.

When I was reincarnated, I didn't have my memory in my previous life, and I retained my memory days before my family celebrated my birthday. It happened when I hit my head on the wall very hard and lost conscious for several hours.

And when I woke up, I suddenly felt an extreme pain inside my head, it's a headache that made me remember everything in my previous life.

I remember that I used to be a great and professional programmer.

After I remembered all of that, I tried to recall my past in this world.

Since I already know, I woundn't surprise that magic exists in this world, everywhere is surrounded with magic, and every human and other living creatures possess magic.

However, some of human aren't capable of using magic nor have the possession of magic.

The magic awakes when a human turned sixteen, and the magic will awake after several days. If the human didn't awaken their magic after 21 days, then, they call them "Failure".

Every human that possess magic has a specific aptitude. Once a person awaken the power of magic in their body, then the human body will glow and ready to arouse. The awakening process is very painful, and it can cause to kill them if the body cannot handle its power, but if they were able to handle it, then it is guaranteed that they will be able to awaken their powers successfully

During the awakening process, the glow on their body will flash brightly in each day and the color of their iris in their eyes will change and this will determine what kind of elemental aptitude they possessed.

For example, if the color of the iris is red, then they possess the fire aptitude which is the ability to manipulate any fire, and if the color is blue, then they possess the water aptitude. The other elements are: Earth, Wind or Air, Life, Light, Dark, Space, and Lightning. The element Life, Dark, and Space is the rarest element that can be achieved.

In the day of my birthday, I had turned sixteen and my magical power is yet to be awaken. I have 21 days before I'll be declared as a failure, which is the bad case.

The Kingdom's rule: "If a person's magical powers did not arouse, they shall be exiled in the kingdom."

This is the main reason why the Kingdom of Mirosolis is a powerful nation. The Kingdom is filled with magicians where failures are not allowed to live.

As I wait for my powers to be awaken, I've been studying a lot about magic including its history.

According to the book I have read, the first magic user in the history was named Aurum.

It was 5000 years ago when Aurum first discover a magic stone. The magic stone he had found is also the first magic stone to be discovered. It wasn't proven and people don't believe from what happened to him nor what he saw and witnessed since after he touched the stone, all magic within the stone has transferred to his body without knowing what was that all about. The magic stone turned into ordinary stone after all magic was transferred.

Until Aurum realized that he has magical powers, he was able to prove by doing such miracles to other people like casting an attacks, enchanting a weapon, and healing people's wound.

That time, Aurum explained how did he get this magical powers to the supreme governments and other people that is in high positions including the royal king and emperor. He explained that he got all of this from the "mysterious stone".

After Aurum explained all of this, the government took an interest of finding this "mysterious stone" which is known to be the magic stone. They were sure that there might be some other magic stone hidden deeper in the cave.

Ten years later, other human had attained the power of magic stone same as Aurum does. They were right that these magic stone can be found deeper in the cave and it is mostly protected by countless monsters inside. Only on that time, nobles are only the people who has these powers.

Hundreds of years later, magic become widespread and it caused an endless detriments.

Wars in each nation in a continent, battles between mages, and the people who has no possession of magic had suffered very much. The war continues for thousand of years.

Until that time, 3000 years ago, the war had stopped after the most powerful magician emerged during the time he first interfere with the war.

He used the chant called "Magic Nullifying" to forbid the chanting of magic in a specific wide area.

His aura in his body were glowing, his strength and magic were incredibly strong and powerful and his iris color in his eye was gray.

The mage was known to be "A Gray Eyes Mage". It's a title given if the mage possess this unique power.

The Gray Eyes Mage only emerge every within five hundred years, and whoever possess this power shall be able to use it for everything. Gray Eyes uses has no limitation and it can do anything whatever the possessor desires.

For the past years, there were six Gray Eyes Mage had emerged in the history, and the seventh one which is yet to emerge will appear soon.

Today is year 3051st, 7th month, and 26th day. It's been fifteen days since my magical powers hadn't been awaken. I started to doubt that I may be able to use magic, and this will cause me to get exiled from the kingdom six days before it happen.

But before the 21st day, it was all of a sudden, my parents told me that I have been exiled in advance. They didn't told me the reason but they said that I'd get imprisoned if I don't leave this kingdom immediately.

My mother and father possess a magic and as well as my older brother who happened to be one of the elite mage of the kingdom.

They gave me a protective gear, a sword, and an enchanted crimson stone that will protect me even more once I am in a hellish situation.

Several hours later, using a carriage, they finally brought me to the gate after my expulsion was declared. I walk pass through the gate, and gave my ID to the gatekeepers and they throw it on a trash. So once I came back in this kingdom, there's no way for me to get inside. My name was erased, and I had to name myself anew.

But I don't quite know what suitable name for me. Since my former name was Maya Mirahelios, maybe I should name myself with different last name.

A few second later, I decided my name for myself.

I removed the "a" from my first name making it "May" and for the last name is "Gem" like the last name of my old friend in my previous life named Fatum Gem.

I know Fatum was killed but I don't quite remember how she got killed. It was sad for me to know that, and was felt extremely sad before I even died with unknown circumstances.

Now as of today my name is "May Gem".