
My journey had began after giving myself a new name and started to venture out to some dangerous places.

One of the place I passed through very safely is the forest of Mirosolis. It was all thanks to my protective gear and as well as my crimson stone.

Though I might be protected by these things but I still got scared especially when those monster had appeared out of nowhere. As of that time, they were only a low class monster and very easy to be killed and I haven't face any high class monster.

When I got out of the forest, I found a town and it is free to visit for anyone. But there are still some patrol guards that will secure the safetyness of the town.

The town was very lively unlike back on the kingdom. It seems that it is enjoyable to live in this place.

After wandering around the town, my hunger strikes where my stomach started to growl.

I search for town's restaurant, but it seems I can't find any.

There's only one way to find out… and that is….

"Mister, is there any restaurant here?" I asked when I approached the old man suddenly on the road.

"Re-astu-rot? What is that?" The old man didn't understand what I meant.

"Well… you know, like where I can buy some delicious food." I explained what I really meant to say.

"Oh… I see, then follow me. You're lucky that you asked me. Hehehe!" The old man said.

"Oh… okay."

I followed the old man until we reached the destination.

It was huge, and fantastically well-designed structure.

And that place is a Food Restaurant!

"Hehehe! Are you surprised?" The old man asked and laugh.

I was shocked on how amazing this place was, I mean when I first arrive in this town, I thought this place was just a town hall but I didn't think that this was a food restaurant.

"Yeah! I mistakenly thought that this was a town hall, It was very big!"

"Hehehe, if you telling me about the town hall, then this is also the place."


"Well, over the top floor of this building is where the office is and below is where the foods are served."

"So it was really a town hall after all."

Both of us entered the place and sat on a chair where the dining table is. The waitress gave us the menu to choose for the food. The food menu were filled with delicious lists of dish. I am starting to wonder what kind of delicious food they serve.

We gave our order to the waitress and our order is on the way.

While waiting for the food to be serve, we had started a conversation about the town.

When I asked the old man about when this town was established, he told me that this place was freshly new and was established a year ago.

It made me think how amazing this place was to be established in a short amount of time and this has the potential to be a nation, after all, this town was not a dominance of any country.

He said to me that living in this place would be an amazing thing, however, if ever any threat comes to this town, all people will fight as one and pulverize those threat that occurs even if it was sudden. The recovery of this town was also very speed.

I asked the old man "Could you tell me who is the leader of this town?"

The the old man replied "I'm sorry… but that, is forbidden to tell a person who isn't a resident of this town."

After awhile, the food had been served. Just by looking at it, I can certainly tell that this food was nothing like back on my home, I don't know what kind of secret ingredient they use but this is really amazing. When I first shove the food on my mouth, chew it, and swallow, it was like I was surrounded with flowers along with beautiful sunshine and fresh air.

I asked for the price and the waitress said "It's 1200 Sol."

"Eh? 1200? Hold on, what kind of price of that" Shocked from how much the food cost.

"Huh? I thought you were aware of the price, I mean it was written on the menu list." The waitress replied.

"Hahahaha… Worry not, young lass… I'll pay for you." The old man offers.

"Huh? Are you sure? I don't have anything to repay you yet." I responded.

"Don't worry, you don't have to repay for anything." The old man was kind enough to pay for me.

I thanked the old man and started to part ways, I don't really have the intention to stay in this town for much longer because I have something I need to do.

Before I left the kingdom, my parents and I had a talk. They were talking about the magic stone called the "Spirit Magic Stone".

It's a magic stone same as what Aurum from 5000 years ago touched with his hand and is the first magic stone to be discovered in history.

The spirit magic stone is the rarest stone to find anywhere including the in the deeper cave. Though if a person finds one, they had to deal with monsters first that protects the stone from any stealers. They said that there are hundreds of monsters will appear and will immediately attack whenever that person approach the stone.

Other than Spirit Magic Stone, there is also a magic stone called the Crimson Stone and Green Stone.

The Crimson Stone is one of the most common magic stone can be found and it is mostly found in a forest with big mushrooms or in a cave. This stone is used to be enchanted with magic, and can perform or execute the magical attack or defense spontaneously and conditionally whatever the enchantment is.

The Green Stone is a rare magic stone, it has a same function as crimson stone but has a more amount of magic and it is said to be the compressed version of Crimson Stone. This stone weigh heavier than the crimson stone.

Back on the topic, my parents told me that they know where I can find that stone. It wont be easy to obtain once I get there. I decided that I need to get stronger first by training to improve my physical strength and stamina.

My father gave me a sword but I have no experience of using it especially when I am not able to swing it with my weak arms.

Once I obtain that magic stone's, I will be able to return back to my home.

"But wait… I gave myself a new name… What would happen if I went back?"

I don't really know what would happen if I came back now that I have a possession of magic.

And yes by all of that, it's been 24 days. And three days ago, back on the forest of Mirosolis… I am now officially a "Failure".

It was truly unfortunate to have no magic.

I spend my day wandering in the town until night, so for tomorrow I'll continue my journey.

But before that, I need to go buy some food first so I wont be much hungry when I travel until I reach my destination.

Few hours later, I stayed at the inn and spent my last money just for a night.

During the night, all lights were off, and it's dark outside, but the moon is bright and it illuminates the ground.

I heard some wolves howling in the middle of a night, which is… a real trouble.

"I can't sleep!" I yelled.

Well, I was able to sleep afterwards.

It's morning time, and the sun is rising so pretty on the east horizon.

Today, It's time to leave the town.